Comment on Redditor when women

<- View Parent ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

It’s not that people don’t think women have the capability. There is just a general assumption that they’re smart enough not to waste their time with it and they have better things to do, like actual hobbies and friends/family to see.

When I have time to kill I dick around online and usually ignore anything else I could do. Every woman I know is making scrapbooks, knitting her own hats and some more for others, taking care of some kids, building and maintaining relationships with people in the real world, cooking amazing food just because they want it, getting involved in the community, working some extra side jobs, and generally doing stuff to make their world and the world around them better.

Why do you assume the assumption that everyone is a guy online is somehow the result of a negative view on women?
