Best of luck 🤞
The deed has been done. The LW mods are thinking of banning too. 3 days ago 3 days ago
Sorry to bother you but is an alt of Call Me Lenny/Leni, and Leni appointed the alt as a mod (the alt is still listed as a mod on AskLemmy). Confirmation that they’re alts and 3 days ago
I’ve banned them too on dbzer0. Sadly i can’t do much about them modding, but i have told thekingoflorda (LW admin) 3 days ago
Hypothetically, supposing I proved my innocence, would you unban me? 3 days ago
As I previously said (but which will probably be ignored, because of how easy it is to lie about something that’s literally in front of people), admins ask for multiple names to work in coordination in rule enforcing depending on the instance. You say all that like I make it a secret who my secondary names are (which your own proofs prove isn’t the case). 3 days ago
Thanks <3 3 days ago
If that’s what you’re saying, more is going on behind the scenes than you think. I’m still a proud community contributor if that’s what you’re getting at. 2 days ago
Thanks. They are known for guilt-tripping and trying to manipulate mods/admins once they get banned from places, so be ready for that. They have quite the victim complex and are known for deliberately omitting things or twisting things on purpose, like they’ve done in this thread on one of their sockpuppet accounts. 2 days ago
Give even one example.
You saying someone is me doesn’t make them me.