- Comment on I heard the admins of were investigating claims about a prominent member in order to form a verdict and I would like to offer myself as witness and someone to call to the stand to question 2 days ago:
- Comment on I heard the admins of were investigating claims about a prominent member in order to form a verdict and I would like to offer myself as witness and someone to call to the stand to question 2 days ago:
This is a continuation of a ! conversation that’s been going on for a month now:
The following comment was in reference to user
- Comment on A troll ( is a new moderator of AskLemmy on What can be done about this? 3 days ago:
Best of luck 🤞
- Comment on A troll ( is a new moderator of AskLemmy on What can be done about this? 3 days ago:
What are we going to do, not let the fediverse become a Nazi bar?
I should hope so, yes.
- Comment on A troll ( is a new moderator of AskLemmy on What can be done about this? 3 days ago:
What is even the point of all this weaponized social media drama?
- Comment on A troll ( is a new moderator of AskLemmy on What can be done about this? 3 days ago:
This is how got mod powers in the first place:… - Comment on A troll ( is a new moderator of AskLemmy on What can be done about this? 3 days ago:
This internet troll created a ! community.
This is a community where those who seek to be manipulative or discuss manipulation can come to discuss themselves and ways they bent norms and rules. If that sounds crazy to you, there is a rationale and it isn’t necessarily illegal or immoral, in fact it’s arguably the opposite. Suppose you live in a world where you are everyone’s target, and they’re willing to engage in hypocrisy if it means fulfilling this. You cannot fight back, you are only one individual and you will lose. You cannot leave. You cannot stand to sit through it. What do you do? You find loopholes and put their tactics in such a position that they are fooled or swayed against each other. Imagine there are anonymous reporters who falsely report both SWAT and the CPS on you. Though this example is borderline illegal, as is reporting them on you, a machiavellian is the one who puts them in a position where they meet up in your home and go after each other. Machiavellianism is the martial arts of the mind, the Karate Kid for people who cannot rely on their bodies. Please note that, in order to honor Lemmy, anything that’s actually aligned with criminality will be banned, as will the posters.
- Comment on A troll ( is a new moderator of AskLemmy on What can be done about this? 3 days ago:
Some of your sock puppet accounts were banned too, including the account you’re replying to here, “Call me Lenny/Leni,” AKA
Are there any other fediverse sock puppet accounts we should know about?
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 2 months ago:
Zeroth of all, that web page doesn’t even make mention of any genocides, so it in no way “proves” one.
- Comment on POV: It's January 19th 2 months ago:
We should build a Great Firewall and make China pay for it. – Mitt Romney, probably
The New Republic, Mitt Romney Reveals Twisted Reason Why Congress Moved to Ban TikTok
Some wonder why there was such overwhelming support for us to shut down potentially TikTok or other entities of that nature. If you look at the postings on TikTok and the number of mentions of Palestinians relative to other social media sites, it’s overwhelmingly so among TikTok broadcasts. So I’d note that’s of real interest, and the President will get the chance to make action in that regard.
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 2 months ago:
So did the United Nations Human Rights Council, two years ago.…/setback-for-the-west-un-body-rejec…
- Comment on For a group that considers .world to be Reddit 2.0 and a "CIA propaganda front" they seem to get awfully mad whenever it comes up 2 months ago:
Wikipedia is my go-to for unbiased cold war facts 👍 Meet Wikipedia’s Ayn Rand-loving founder and Wikimedia Foundation’s regime-change operative CEO
Katherine Maher has since moved on to more prestigious positions of US imperialism:
She subsequently joined the Atlantic Council and the US Department of State’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board.