It’s based on paperwork, not blood.
You can just turn up, release your spawn and claim it belongs there. We’re not frogs in a pond.
Comment on Having a baby? Use this one weird trick! 3 weeks agotbh I had no idea Europe was so racist. Citizenship based on “blood” sounds like something out of the middle ages.
It’s based on paperwork, not blood.
You can just turn up, release your spawn and claim it belongs there. We’re not frogs in a pond.
What a cringe attitude to have. People born in a country should have citizenship.
People born in a country should have citizenship.
Because it assures that people raised there aren’t separated from the country of origin. It blocks issues. It’s better. Why do you think they shouldn’t?
Oh wow, you are really doubling down on proving OPs point, aren’t you?
Yes. People doubling down on proving their own points is a normal thing.
How so? Seems reasonable to me to have the same citizenship as my immediate family. And if you want to change it you can apply for it and get it no problem.
You shouldn’t have to apply to be a citizen of somewhere you’ve lived your whole life. If your parents were immigrants and you’re not, you should have dual citizenship from birth.
Also, citizenship shouldn’t exist, but if it has to, it should be permissive enough that someone could never be refused citizenship of the only country they’ve ever lived in. 3 weeks ago
Countries that use Jus Soli usually also have Jus Sanguinis. The USA for example. My friend is a US citizen despite not being born there because his mother is a US citizen.
Not having Jus Sanguinis would be downright horrible. Imagine your mother moves back to her home country and if you want to follow her you have to clear immigration hurdles. 3 weeks ago
Yeah having it as well is good. Using only it is inhumane and barbaric. 2 weeks ago
For that matter, aren’t borders kinda inhumane and barbaric in the first place? They declare some people as second-rate. They trap people in poor dictatorships, but are oh so permeable for conflict minerals or products of sweatshops
Could your point be that generally more ways to become citizen is a better than less? 2 weeks ago