Comment on Anon plays a farming sim 2 days ago
So, I’ve found stories about how this is a Kickstarter game etc, but is one of the characters really a Nazi? Or is Anon pulling this out their ass?
Comment on Anon plays a farming sim 2 days ago
So, I’ve found stories about how this is a Kickstarter game etc, but is one of the characters really a Nazi? Or is Anon pulling this out their ass? 2 days ago
Apparently Stev is a duvous soldier, which is actually a nazi looking faction in another game that looks related. 2 days ago
The wiki makes it sound like a very militaristic nation, but “literal nazi” is definitely a stretch. 2 days ago
Hehe, yeah. Honestly, that could be describing the British and American armed forces at some points in history. It just talks about military might and blitz tactics. Nothing about murdering their own people or lethal experimentation or mass mass incarcerations without just cause. And while it certainly “seems” like they would probably be pretty authoritarian, it doesn’t really say that either. And authoritarian also isn’t automatically fascist or nazi. Just a common component of them.
The tactics described are actually pretty normal war tactics.
So, just an army guy. Lots of women like army guys for their discipline and reliability. Especially when there is not an active war going, all the upsides with none of the drawbacks. Presumably, in this game, we can expect he won’t get called away to war. Probably a bit more popular with conservative women than liberal women, but not by as much as you might think.
And as for the older guy, not only are there indeed 20 year olds that find that attractive, but 30 and 40 and 50+ year old women are playing these games too, in fact it’s one of the highest female demographic game types. Not to mention, if non-hetero relationships are possible with any partner, that dude looks like a prime bear candidate for the guys that like that. 1 day ago
“Its literally not a literal nazi, its a figurative nazi, you literally couldn’t be more wrong.” 1 day ago
You cut out a portion at the beginning that may be relevant depending on how one defines Fascism (as academia never fully and completely agreed on the definition).
However, I think the stronger argument against Divas being Fascist is further down.
Duvos being domineering due to suffering from a food shortage seems more colonialist out of necessity than out of a fascist ideology. At the same time, without actually seeing the country’s inner workings, it’s hard to say.
Here’s a way back link to the game’s lore, as cited in the wiki.