Glad this comment was here. I read it as “mold” and was turbo confused haha
Comment on Anon's coworker is a femcel 1 week ago
“Moid?” Never heard that one before. For anyone else who doesn’t know, it’s a derogatory femcel term for a man. 6 days ago 1 week ago
It’s the male version of “foid” which is short for “femoid.” I’ve never heard or seen “moid” before, like you say. I would have thought that female incels would be on the side of male incels, thinking that women were the problem, and the reason they couldn’t sleep with anyone is because the pretty women are all sluts and taking all the men or something 1 week ago
I’d never heard of “foid,” either. Male and female incels getting together would be the must unholy toxic relationships imaginable! But they’d deserve each other. 6 days ago
Their standards mutually exclude each other.