Comment on Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage? 5 weeks agoComment on Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage? 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Also, this is unrelated, but as a panromantic woman, I don’t understand why she keeps insisting she is pansexual or whatever.
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I won’t judge but this reads like she is not interested in women? Perhaps bicurious like this current post says. 5 weeks ago
I know this will sound cynical…
…but a whole, whole lot of younger, brainrotted tiktok addicts with narcissistic personalities and negative attention spans will describe themselves as pan or bi when they aren’t at all, because they can use it as an idpol thing, an extra reason to legitimate their anger directed at anyone critical of them, a vapid empty signifier that has no real meaning beyond ‘people i think are funny or hot or popular say they are bi/pan/omni, so I am too!’ 5 weeks ago
But I find women pretty…? Sure, I can’t name any female crushes, but that doesn’t make me less bi/pan. Sexuality is a spectrum.
Yes, I LOVE men, and women don’t give me the spark, but I love the idea of finally being able to say “I love my girlfriend!”. Plus, a lot of women are very soft and playful, and as a woman, I think I could date and understand most women.
I just haven’t found the right woman because my type is athletic and extroverted. Shy people are annoying, TBH. And they HAVE to like men. Part of dating women means I have to relate to them, and I can’t relate to a lesbian woman. 5 weeks ago
People find sunsets pretty. That doesn’t mean they’re heliosexual. Finding a thing aesthetically pleasing is distinct from being sexually or romantically attracted. 5 weeks ago
Seems like she’s just collecting adjectives at this point. 5 weeks ago
I do like women. Women are beautiful.
I, in fact, tried dating one at 16, but I was also dating this dude and trying to break up. She didn’t know I was dating him, though (she never even asked) and caught me with him. She was very upset, so I told my homophobic asshole friend to go F herself for telling her I have a boyfriend :(
So yeah, my big-mouthed friend ruined that for me, sadly. I told her to never speak to me again and she couldn’t sit with me for the rest of sophomore year, but since I’m quite sweet, I forgave her. i know she was devoted to me. 5 weeks ago
It sounds like you ruined it for yourself. Judging from all of your replies and especially this one in particular, you seem to lack the ability to take basic accountability for your own actions. I would suggest reflecting on the cause-and-effect in the anecdotes you’ve shared and try to visualize how they might played out were the roles reversed and other people spoke to/treated you the way that you describe treating them. Even if you have some degree of sociopathy (I’m not a mental health professional by any means), you should still be able to reflect on these situations on an intellectual and objective level and consider that you might be the cause of these conflicts.