You recently trolled about how Elon Musk’s Nazi salute “has been debunked though” and when people proved you wrong, you proceeded to troll about how “you can’t speak for other people’s intentions” before locking the thread.
A portion of your blog post supposedly debunking everything is just spent waffling about Elon Musk. 1 week ago
Debunked in the sense that, one, what the perception was did not match his intention, and two, a lot of the footage exaggerated his gesture anyways. I don’t rule out that it was reckless and that people are right to feel offended, just that we can’t speak for another person’s intent.
Something that’s worth noting (or which I don’t see a lot of people talking about) is the fact that the salute, historically, was done with your arm stretched out in front of you, not to the side like in the photograph of him. My style is to analyze things closely and give constructive critique (which is why, when someone mentioned he also shared antisemitic conspiracy theories, I gave some scolding words about Musk and did not continue the same “meh” reaction).
I remember when I was little and Pokémon came out with the character Registeel and the sprite had to be changed because the pose they chose for the creature just happened to resemble a Nazi salute. It was probably far less likely to be intentional in their case, but it actually looked more like the salute… and then it was memed into oblivion. Musk’s salute in the picture, though technically arguable to be the salute (and it’s possible more to his intentions might come to light), was more like the Team Rocket pose. 1 week ago
Don’t apologise for nazis
Image 1 week ago
I’m not. Read what I said. 1 week ago
Here’s a quote from for context:
and then a selection of quotes from your reply, the one I responded to:
You’ve claimed to know what his intention was, that the Nazi salute was done differently to the clip of Hitler himself, even though the video shows that they’re almost identical, and then that Musk’s salute was an innocent mistake.
They sound an awful lot like excuses for a guy who was caught on camera performing a salute that’s all but identical to a Nazi salute that Hitler, leader of the Nazis, performed on video. 1 week ago
This is so embarrassing for you. Just stop. It’s sad. 1 week ago
Stop what? Stop elaborating on what I meant that caused me to be taken out of context? The fact people feel the need to take people out of context, and to campaign against someone wherever they go when half of what they’re saying can be put to rest in an instance, is to me what’s sadder. 1 week ago
Lol… okay.