ironically we may well have been the only somewhat intelligently designed animal for a long time, since there’s a pretty good argument that we’re self-domesticated.
so like, we’re not just a prerelease, we’re a fucking fork of a prerelease
Comment on Patch this Bish! 5 weeks ago
2.0? Bruh, humans are still on pre-v1 beta
Frankly, I don’t know how anyone can look at the absolute shit show that is the human body and go “yup, this was totally intelligently designed”
ironically we may well have been the only somewhat intelligently designed animal for a long time, since there’s a pretty good argument that we’re self-domesticated.
so like, we’re not just a prerelease, we’re a fucking fork of a prerelease 5 weeks ago
Apparently a lot of males are still in alpha. 5 weeks ago
Alpha roll-out for an entire cohort is in-progress. 5 weeks ago
Unfortunately the alpha roll-out had a major unpached bug causing a complete internal breakdown of the ethics and intelligence processing units in all those updated.
Some hypothesis that as alpha men now have the processing capacity of an ant, they may soon evolve a hive-mind. As this would allow all mental prosesing to be outsourced to a singular fat orange queen.