Not a Christian group - they’re more like the Mormons. They believe their founder is the most recent prophet, that his rewriting of biblical texts based off his interpretation of the King James bible is the only true interpretation, and that only the elect are going to Heaven, and that they get there by saving other people’s souls (essentially, he who makes the most JWs wins). And yes, it is definitely “he” — the women are saved through childbearing. The group commonly goes by the name The Watchtower Society. They’re famous for distributing tracts door to door. If you turn away from being a JW, all others are required to cease having anything to do with you. If you hear their teachings and then tell them you choose to belong to a different faith, you’re considered a heretic and for the most part they will try to avoid you (no more house calls). 4 weeks ago
Jehova’s Witneses and Mormons are both Christian. Each would argue they are the TRUE Christians and all the others are misguided. They worship Christ. Jehova’s Witnesses actually started as a Bible study group. 4 weeks ago
Mormons are about as Christians as Muslims. The only reason they are not lumped together is because they are mostly melamine-deficient. 4 weeks ago
Their actual name is “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints” and they self-identity as Christian.
They don’t call themselves “the Church of Joseph Smith of Latter-Day Saints”. 4 weeks ago
So they’re Jews like all the other Christians? 4 weeks ago
I think you mean melanin. racist AND stupid