Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 1 month ago
A reminder this was during a time period we all collectively agreed to ignore Arnold’s accent for narrative purposes. 1 month ago 1 month ago
Meanwhile, in Germany, they have to dub him, even if he speaks German, because he sounds like a country bumpkin. 1 month ago
Omg I forgot that’s not even a joke. He played Americans and didn’t even try 5 weeks ago
The number of times I’ve watched Twins and that…didn’t, at all, stick out to me… 5 weeks ago
Jfc you’re right… not even in the one where they’re making you think about his different appearance from Devito 1 month ago
My theory, at least for purposes of The Terminator, is that after Judgment Day, there were some human holdouts in Austria who sent troops to help fight Skynet, so that’s why an Austrian accent would be assigned to an infiltration unit.
I have nothing to say about Terminator 3. That was like three or four timeline modifications later. There’s bound to be some reality degradation.