Comment on Do cats have intrusive thoughts about eating their humans? Conversely, do cats get scared of humans eating them? ⁨5⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

This applies to cats of average or above intelligence. There are a few dumb cats that have about as much awareness as a tater.

I’ve never had a shelter or bred cat. Instead, they just appear from the outside, get found in a parking lot, or sometimes materialize and no one knows where they came from. They get cleaned up and shots, chip, and fixed.

Some cats will get their prey/play drive mixed up and snap on you unexpectedly. Almost like they’re startled but it’s internal, they will often be ‘apologetic’ or confused afterwards. Some cats are worse about this than others and you shouldn’t wrestle or play rough with this kind using your hands, toys only.

And, yes. Cats are absolutely aware of the size and power differential. They’re always watching it at some level. Trust must be earned and often slowly built. Had one cat knock down a stack of pans and run behind me for protection. Some cats dislike being laughed at and it can cause aggression or cause retreat.

A cat’s love is transactional to a high degree, they’re lazy psychos that can learn friendship through trust. They love the comfort of you as much as they actually love you. They mimic affection and scheme a lot more than most people would like to think.

All cats are bad, it’s what makes them so great to have in your life.
