As another mid 20s dude this is most likely because they’re at Berkeley. You’ll find a much different answer in some other crowds who don’t have the luxury of being able to be ignorant
Comment on Is there any way our of the US political spiral? 2 months agoI was talking with some kids the other month (Berkeley grads, so “kids”=mid 20s), and they really believed this current shit show is no big deal because they were taught about “checks and balances” in HS. It blows my mind that anyone thinks Fuckhead and the current GOP is just a normal swaying of the political pendulum. 2 months ago 2 months ago
Back in high school, my history teacher was lecturing about political instability in Europe during WWII. She called out a girl next to me for not paying attention. When asked why she wasn’t paying attention, the girl responded, “Oh, that can never happen here.”