The type of people that truth social is designed for (conservatives, rightists, fascists) are often shunned for discriminating against minorities. Here they’re trying to pull a “no u”, to say that akshually we’re the ones who are discriminated against in mainstream media, and we’re gonna build our own platform with no discrimination, making us more virtuous than you. They don’t believe they actually have less discrimination, to them “discrimination” is a playing token in the game of morals. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that it doesn’t matter whether or not they believe they have less discrimination, because having less discrimination was never the goal. The card says moops.
Comment on I mean, that's literally the opposite of what I want 5 weeks ago
“….without discriminating on the basis of political ideology.”
Isn’t discrimination like, the entire purpose of what Truth Social is about? 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
They should be taken down for false advertisement etc. You don’t get to claim not to discriminate on political ideology if you also censor and delist posts that you disagree with. 5 weeks ago
The democrats lacked the tenacity to ever have done it, and the criminal enterprise that currently infest our government would never cease the hardworking blowhards that feed their wind-tunnel. 5 weeks ago
[deleted] 5 weeks ago
Oh wow, cry harder. Only reason you hear about conservatives wanting to taste liberal tears is because they’re tied of the taste of their own. 5 weeks ago
Subjectivity, I meant use their authority to take them (Truth Social) down. 5 weeks ago
If you read the reviews on the play store, it seems like people get banned left and right for posting factual truth. So much for “freedom of speech”. Not like anyone expected that in the first place from a fascist echo chamber, but hey. 5 weeks ago
Shhh… They don’t want their feelings hurt.