Comment on Video game publishers are starting to use "anti-DEI" as a marketing meme 2 months agoI guess I was hoping for something a bit more rigorous but still your reply makes sense. Thanks for the input.
Comment on Video game publishers are starting to use "anti-DEI" as a marketing meme 2 months agoI guess I was hoping for something a bit more rigorous but still your reply makes sense. Thanks for the input. 2 months ago
DEI is the reason phones can take pictures of black people now. Once Google started hiring more black people, they could make changes to the software that used to always default to trying to adjust exposure for white skin. Now everyone’s skin tone looks good on Google phones. And all because Google hired a few black people who actually knew it was a problem in the first place.
The same goes for any representative technology. The internet didn’t just start working for blind people automatically. Companies had to start hiring blind people before they knew it was an issue. We had a blind engineer come in to our team at Google and tell us how shitty our product was for him to use and how to fix it.
Everyone has different experiences, and just because someone knows how to build what you tell them to doesn’t mean they can make a good product. It’s only when you have diverse input throughout product development that the product you make will truly be good. 2 months ago
Hell yeah, thanks a lot for taking the time to spoon food my ignorant butt. Very informative reply, thank you. I guess a reply would be “that can be done without DEI” but then that just circle back to your no one is colourblind remark. If google wasn’t diverse organically without DEI I don’t have much optimism other corporations would be. 2 months ago
Piggy backing off of this, the DEI council at my job ensures that everyone has what they need to succeed in their role. For example, the All Gender restroom didn’t have feminine sanitary products which was troublesome for some of our non binary staff. Instead of forcing them to use the women’s bathroom, we installed a dispenser in the All Gender restroom.
Also, many of the field employees shower at the office after their shift because it’s dirty work. But the shower facilities were just one big room, high school style, which made several LGBTQ employees uncomfortable. We pushed for individual shower stalls as a DEI effort and now everyone feels more comfortable showering.
These are things that straight, white, cis people probably wouldn’t think of. The DEI council allows minority voices to be heard. 2 months ago
This is a lovely and illustrative example.