nicotell stage 3’s. A months worth for the same price as a deck, and they help you maintain. You might still kinda habitually want, but you won’t be at the “shank my grandma for a durrie” level.
Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: ☄️ Monday, 20 January, 2025 21 hours ago
I’m out of NRTs
So I’m going cold turkey
Pray for me 😭 18 hours ago 19 hours ago
🙏🏼 21 hours ago
🙏 17 hours ago
If you want my 2c?
Cheap reusable vape kit + nicotine prescription + premade 0% juice to slowly water it down over time. It’s a bit fussy and looks douchey short term plus the long term health risks haven’t been researched. But tapering down slowly and then off will help you stay the course. A decent strength initially helps break the habit of the cigs and then you can work with it from there. Pick a MTL (mouth to lung) option as it’s more similar to smoking and doesn’t produce huge obnoxious clouds. I used an Aspire Pockex which was around $30 on eBay for vape + charger + a coil. It was about the size of a ‘lipstick’ style power bank. It’s not fashionable but was a very good tool to quit.
If you have health concerns
Avoid any butter flavours. Choose fruit or go unflavoured (diacetyl = popcorn lung). Avoid sugar in liquid as it helps burn coils faster. Avoid disposable black market vapes (unpredictable strength, heavy metals and lipid pneumonia). Use an online calculator and either a jewellery scale or syringe to dilute as accurately as possible. Also get enough spare coils to change them frequently and slowly drip liquid inside to completely wet the cotton first before firing the device. (Burned coils taste terrible and emit really bad chemicals. Dirty ones also aren’t good. I don’t know what strength you get prescribed (I quit before the ban) but treat the nicotine liquid with caution. Clean up any spills or wash it off your skin immediately. Don’t let Mickey near it and try to avoid vaping near him. 13 hours ago
Ah who gives a shit. Complain away, my friend 19 hours ago
It’s just a craving. And it will come and go.
You’ve dealt with tougher shit than that.