Comment on Stop Killing Games Petition to UK Relaunched 1 month ago
If you haven’t, You can also vote on european one, it has 40% of required signatures.
Comment on Stop Killing Games Petition to UK Relaunched 1 month ago
If you haven’t, You can also vote on european one, it has 40% of required signatures. 1 month ago
I wish some big-name YT/Twitch personality helped raise awareness for the petition. It’s ending in a few months and if nothing changes, I don’t see it reaching the required signatures in time. 1 month ago
Does Ross/Accursed Farms, the person who started this movement, not count? 1 month ago
It’s good, he’s the originator, but the reach in Europe is not that great and there have only been a few multilingual channels that have picked it up. 1 month ago
It’s not going to get the signatures because the average person does not care about this. I play a lot of games and even I don’t care. If you don’t like the game, don’t buy it. Why does there need to be regulation to stop me from buying it too? 1 month ago
Interesting how condifently you are talking about the subject even though your comment makes it obvious you have no idea what the petition is about. 1 month ago
If a company says they’re going to disable a video game a year after I purchase it and I won’t be able to retain or repair it and I agree to those terms, can I still buy it? 1 month ago
Even if you just looked at the screenshot it’s pretty clear that’s not what the petition is about. Could you go away and do literally one seconds worth of research, and then come back and explain why you made such a brainless comment.