Comment on If you save, we will charge you more 2 months ago
“In order to continue to make the same profit (or more year over year) we charge more per unit when demand goes down… We also charge more when demand goes up… Suck it peasants” 1 month ago
It isn’t about profit. Its about paying for the infrastructure. It cost a lot of money to maintain the grid. The supply and demand has to meet exactly or the frequently of the power will get out of wack. (AC is hard) 1 month ago
If they can’t afford to maintain it in a changing world, perhaps we should nationalize the infrastructure that we all depend on. 1 month ago
It doesn’t say that it says most of their costs are fixed and cost of those large fixed costs are more so amortized per head than per kWh which means higher rates for less usage. 1 month ago
I would be more sympathetic to this if they actually maintained their grid. It’s been shown time and time again that the company doesn’t replace parts that badly need it while paying their c suite enormous bonuses. I have no sympathy for this situation whatsoever 1 month ago
Are they a not for profit company? If not, it’s about profit 1 month ago
It is about profit. They don’t want to lose money.