Isn’t it though? It’s in that position. It’s doing that thing. It isn’t generally being challenged. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, maybe it’s a duck. 2 weeks ago
Talk about lazy journalism. Apparently Grok AI is now treated as the official spokesperson for Twitter. 1 week ago 1 week ago
No, it’s actually not. It’s an LLM and it doesn’t have clue what it’s saying. It definitely cannot speak for someone else. 1 week ago
we know that. but as long as Elmo believes it can, i will take everything grok says as official policy from the company. 1 week ago
And where has Elmo said it can? Nowhere, because he’s clearly more educated on the subject than the vast majority of people commenting on it on social media. 1 week ago
I was wondering who the hell this Grok person was. I was thinking about what an unfortunate name for a person! No surprise that it’s actually a product and [probably] directly named by an immature billionaire edgelord.
To be clear, I know he didn’t invent the name. But if someone’s parents named them ‘Grok’ I’d understand if they went for a name change.