- Comment on alpha 2 months ago:
I’m an alpha male. If you study me in captivity I will display downright unnatural behavior.
- Comment on Joy & Curiosity 4 months ago:
I’ve always actually liked NASA as a US government agency. Thing is they take the kind of scientist whose skills are intensely useful to the military industrial complex and let them do goofy shit like this that doesn’t hurt anyone instead. Sure, sometimes some of their tech ends up useful to the military anyway and that’s terrible, but to the people who think this is a waste of resources that could have been better spent fixing infrastructure or helping the poor I want to ask:
If we consider labor as a resource, do you think the actual experts in autonamous robotics, rocketry and atmospheric dispersion involved in landing a little box on Venus would be fixing pot holes or running homeless shelters without NASA? I think they would be much more likely to be working on some project to have an army of drones defoliate all of central Asia or something like that. I think it is cool and heartwarming that they successfully landed a little robot on Mars and care so much about it, but also many of these people have skills that are only useful for exactly this and like 25 different crimes against humanity, and letting them do this is not a waste of resources.
- Comment on Hippos 4 months ago:
Wait, that’s just 2.25 kg of dung per hippo. That sounds like way too little. I’m pretty sure a human being could produce 2.25 kg of dung in a day with the right team spirit and some elbow grease, but you’re telling me these dainty, bashful cowards can’t do better despite weighing so much more? Pathetic.
- Comment on Borderlands film goes from disaster to farce as the guy who rigged Claptrap says neither he nor the model artist are credited 6 months ago:
Is it too much to ask to have at least one great actor give a grand Shakespearian speech and give it his all because his children loved the game?
Yes. Yes, that is entirely too much to ask and Raul Julia didn’t have to do that in 1994 either.
- Comment on Fastest animal 7 months ago:
Hedgehog. I know about all about youth culture and the “Sonic is a hedgehog” games.
- Comment on Existential trolley problem 9 months ago:
Won’t the boulder roll back to the intersection anyway?
- Comment on space 10 months ago:
Me too! What’s your destination?
- Comment on Andrew Tate prosecution files reveal graphic claims of coercion ahead of trial 1 year ago:
I still remain convinced that he is completly fucked. This is such an out for the actual oligarchs who run Romania. They get to look good both showing that Romania is not corrupt and that they are not at all a sex trafficing hub by convicting this stranger, who is not actually rich by their standards or part of the ruling class of a crime he has demonstrably commited. I think we are about to see a textbook example of how the law is supposed to work according to liberal textbooks. Andrew Tate will in no way be mistreated while in custody and will be given the very picture of a fair trial. Then he will be convicted and face a sentence not unlike what a normal person would face.
…And then the Romanian oligarchs will probably get their Schengen deal, but whatever. I don’t expect to get to see my side win, but I do expect to see someone I despise lose pretty spectacularly. I can enjoy that.