- Comment on I'm OOTL: Why is TikTok being banned? 1 month ago:
This is the most accurate conclusion so far. The US government considers it a national security threat. There are lots of things it’s “okay” for your own government to do but not a foreign government :)
- Comment on Netflix bad... Shocker, I know 1 month ago:
Go pirate. That’s what I do when shit doesn’t work.
I just don’t also fool myself into thinking they will ever change their ways so long as it’s profitable 🤷
I’m not saying you’re wrong. Nor am I telling you to accept the shitty quality stream as the best you can get. I’m just saying this is how the system is set up right now and it’s not a Netflix problem. It’s a capitalism problem.
- Comment on Netflix bad... Shocker, I know 1 month ago:
Big corps like Netflix only care about supporting the 90% of users to who operate in a bog-standard configuration. They really couldn’t care less about supporting things like AirPlay, debloated Windows, Linux running on a Mac, or anything else that’s not damn near configured exactly as it was when it was first removed from the box.
It is not worth the engineering investment to make it work. They would spend more money maintaining these features than they would earn from it.
You can have whatever opinions you want about that reality, but that’s just how it is. Blame capitalism.
- Comment on Anon loves his sister 2 months ago:
While there is no question that in modern times, both in the West and East, the term lolicon refers to a sexual attraction to underage girls, that’s not how it started. This topic goes all the way back to the 70s and the shoujo manga scene which was initially dominated by women, and only later welcomed men.
As with most things in life, if you actually spend the time to look into it, these things are a lot more nuanced than you might think.
- Comment on Anon loves his sister 2 months ago:
Once again displaying your ignorance.
Siscon is about having an infatuation with an idyllic image of your sister and having abnormal affection for them as a result.
It’s about idolatry more than anything else.
Seriously. The sex fetish is weird. Please stop
- Comment on Anon loves his sister 2 months ago:
Was I supposed to lean into it or something? Kinda sick of people ruining my fandom with their fetish bullshit.
- Comment on Anon loves his sister 2 months ago:
Of course they find it weird. They make fun of it constantly. The clarification/term originated there for a variety of reasons. Not everyone who likes Japanese shit is a degenerate pervert. Go touch grass
- Comment on Anon loves his sister 2 months ago:
Doesn’t mean incest, though I understand how someone unfamiliar with the term and Japanese culture in general would think that. Western obsession with sex is weird
- Comment on Anon loves his sister 2 months ago:
This is called being a siscon
- Comment on Has anyone ever come up with what a Palestinian State would look like without wiping Israel of the map? If so have both sides ever been presented the offer? If not why? 2 months ago:
Lol you are exactly the type of person who most needs to hear the message of this video and you never will, and that’s kinda sad
- Comment on Has anyone ever come up with what a Palestinian State would look like without wiping Israel of the map? If so have both sides ever been presented the offer? If not why? 2 months ago:
It’s a video of a very well known academic from Israel. It’s available on many, many different sources. I literally just grabbed the first one that came up on YouTube.
Here’s the original 2hr video of the entire conference presentation from CDA:
Don’t reject self-evidently truthful commentary simply because you have a problem with the specific channel providing the clip.
- Comment on Has anyone ever come up with what a Palestinian State would look like without wiping Israel of the map? If so have both sides ever been presented the offer? If not why? 2 months ago:
You should watch this Israeli academic explaining about those terrorists!
- Comment on Half as Hot 4 months ago:
For anyone questioning this logic, try running your “idle” CPU without a heatsink of any kind.
- Comment on If a planet was completely covered in water, wouldn't it all be freshwater? 4 months ago:
Hahaha I figured something like but couldn’t resist the opportunity :D
- Comment on If a planet was completely covered in water, wouldn't it all be freshwater? 4 months ago:
For those following along: SEAWATER IS NOT SALINE EITHER. Just making sure we’re clear on everything
- Comment on stars & sharks 4 months ago:
Fair enough on the first point!
The interesting scenario re: Polaris A’s age would be if a larger, younger original star merged with a smaller, much older star. You’d have a small amount of late-stage byproducts in an otherwise early-stage star. That would definitely make any age models ‘confused’ heh
- Comment on stars & sharks 4 months ago:
This is only sort of true, unfortunately. Polaris is a two-star system: Polaris Aa and Polaris B.
Polaris B is much older than sharks, by several billion years.
Polaris Aa appears to be younger than sharks, at a measley 50 million years old, compared to sharks’ 420 million years
HOWEVER it is unclear whether Polaris Aa is actually that young. Scientists believe that, based on some contradictory findings, that measurement may be inaccurate if Polaris Aa is formed from two different stars that merged. In that scenario, the model we use to calculate star age would no longer work and could give wildly inaccurate estimates of the star’s true age
- Comment on Anon Meets Love 7 months ago:
So… What you say is… Luv love Mi-do? But do Yu know Ai love Yu?
- Comment on Anon Meets Love 7 months ago:
What is Luv?
- Comment on soon 8 months ago:
- Comment on It's your amigo, Ralph! 8 months ago:
I will always read this meme in the voice of George Carlin narrating Thomas the Tank Engine, and then immediately post this exact reply with a link to this video:
- Comment on And please write your apology as detailed as possible at the prompt. 9 months ago:
Yeah, hasn’t that person seen the incredibly accurate journalistic masterpiece documentary “Weird: The Al Yankovich Story”?
I don’t think he’s seen the 100% true film using only authentic footage from his life “Weird: The Al Yankovich Story” 😮
- Comment on It is apparently controversial 9 months ago:
Oh I was the while thing. Doesn’t change my opinion of your behavior one bit
- Comment on It is apparently controversial 9 months ago:
Yikes. That’s a while lot of words just to show exactly how much you are part of the problem.
This isn’t about you. It was never about you. Your desire to pivot this to a class issue is some hardcore mansplaining. Get over yourself and listen to victims instead of thinking you know better than everyone.
- Comment on It is apparently controversial 9 months ago:
You think most adults were 100lbs heavier than me at 18?
Bruh, based on your criteria I had until maybe 15 at the latest and then only for men on the larger end of the spectrum.
Fact is, my family was kind and loving, I associated with other families that were equally so, I went to a private school with caring, supportive teachers, and I was certainly never left alone with someone my parents didn’t know well.
Whether it happened a handful of times I can’t say, but I certainly have no memory of it until my mid to late teens when I started spending most of my time with people of my own accord and took more risks.
I was truly blessed to grow up the way I did. I’m sorry you didn’t have the same
- Comment on It is apparently controversial 9 months ago:
Dr. Strange Bear
I’ll leave it up to you whether that’s Marvel’s Dr. Strange or a twist on Dr. Srange Love
- Comment on It is apparently controversial 9 months ago:
Have a rough childhood? I was never in a room with an angry human who was a foot taller and 100lbs heavier until much later in life. Sounds like maybe there’s something to consider here in terms of normalizing aggressive male behavior… hmmm
- Comment on It is apparently controversial 9 months ago:
Does the question say “with a bear, in an enclosed space, where the bear only has you as a source of food?” No, it didn’t. Your entire argument is based on “women - and people like you - are dumb and don’t know what they’re talking about if they think men are less scary than bears.” But the truth is, YOU don’t understand the question being posed. You are literally doing the thing that people have a problem with. You aren’t asking questions. You aren’t seeking clarification. You aren’t giving the benefit of the doubt. You aren’t asking trying to understand. You aren’t doing anything to indicate that you aren’t exactly the reason why so many women picked the bear.
You could have said all of this in a way that wasn’t being an ass. But you chose not to. Thank you for self-identifying as part of the problem.
- Comment on It is apparently controversial 9 months ago:
I understand that it wasn’t your intention, but by shifting the conversation towards “have these people been near an angry bear? Well I have” you inadvertently detract from the issue at hand. It misses the point of the conversation: everyone knows an angry bear in your face is a more immediate threat than an unknown average male on the street. That’s not why the women pick the bear.
- Comment on It is apparently controversial 9 months ago:
Here’s what you’re missing:
A) it’s much less about whether the bear is a bigger threat and much more about how fucking awful men must treat women for the average woman to go “hmmm… Maybe the bear, tbh?” The fact that it’s even something women have to think about for more than a split second is a dramatic failure of our society. THAT is the point, and any discussion of “well you don’t know about bears then…” is reply-guy shit that misses the entire point and simply serves to further solidify how blind most men are to what goes on in the day to day life of women.
B) An aggressive bear is a known quantity. Is it a threat? Obviously. But it’s a threat that we understand extremely well. Like, a quick Google search will teach you everything you need to know about what to do if you see a bear. But a strange, unknown man? Who the fuck knows. They might seem perfectly pleasant and reasonable, act like your friend, and then flip the fuck out when the woman refuses to sleep with him that night in return for all that manly protection he provided during the day or whatever. THAT is why women pick the bear: a known problem is often preferable to uncertainty that could lead to being extremely vulnerable against a really smart attacker.
Remember, the question wasn’t “would you rather be in a locked room with a bear or a man?” It was “would you rather be stuck on an island with a strange bear or a strange man?”
And to your final question, why can’t we just respect other humans? Great fucking question, but the misogynists would be the ones facing that inquiry, not the people on the internet trying to point you towards them