- Comment on The new Hulu Subscriber agreement just dropped - Don't like ads too bad. 5 weeks ago:
Even if you do get a copy with ads, it’s trivial to remove it yourself. You can use Handbrake and specify chapter times. Chapter start at open credits. Chapter end just before the ad roll. Chapter start after ad roll. Chapter end at the end of the video.
- Comment on Do Not Buy NZXT | Predatory, Evil Rental Computer Scam Investigated - Gamers Nexus 3 months ago:
Same. My jaw dropped. Absolutely loved it.
- Comment on Windows 7 and 8 now dead for gaming, as new Steam update pulls support 3 months ago:
Steam uses the Chromium embedded framework in case anyone doesn’t know. This renders the web pages in the Steam client. As mentioned, there’s no point in Valve maintaining the code base themselves when upstream Chromium drops support for 7.
This is similar to when browsers dropped support for Flash. Adobe stopped developing it and the major browser vendors removed their in-house flash plugins.
- Comment on Premium Ads 3 months ago:
This reference will never get old tbh.
- Comment on M*crosoft's search engine is borderline unusable 5 months ago:
- Comment on M*crosoft's search engine is borderline unusable 5 months ago:
Clean up your tabs please. Omg
- Comment on No turning left on this left turn only lane. 1 year ago:
Yellow signs are suggestions or warnings. Always have been. Construction (temporary) are orange. As seen in the OP.
When it comes to what order on how you should follow them:
- Orange
- White
- Yellow
- Comment on OK Microsoft... trying to log into Teams while work lapop updates to Windows 11. No longer works in any iPhone browser, including Edge. The app will not authenticate my work login... 1 year ago:
See 2.5.6 here:
It is possible to build perfectly decent web apps but many times they choose not to or it’s too much trouble
On iOS, they quite literally can’t in some aspects. They’re restricted to using the supplied WebKit Apple enforces. On Android you can use the Blink Web View (Chromium) or Gecko Web View (Firefox). Both of which can be bundled in the app, or you can use the system version.
They have different browsers with limitations but I don’t know about not proper.
Every single iOS “browser” is WebKit. AKA Safari. Due to Apple’s plug-in system being proprietary, it’s difficult to extend. Third party browsers typically use JavaScript injections which slow down the browsing experience.
You’re not actually using Microsoft Edge. You’re using Safari and it’s being identified as such by the UA string. Due to Safari being in last place for web standards feature support, it’s not surprising you’re coming across the issue.
- Comment on Epic Games to update Unreal Engine pricing for devs not making games 1 year ago:
Lol. I just searched it man. No need to get all defensive. It’s not an argument. Instead of replying twice, you can also edit. But I don’t see that plan at all on mobile. It seems like an intentional design choice. There is no “look harder” when it simply doesn’t exist.
- Comment on Epic Games to update Unreal Engine pricing for devs not making games 1 year ago:
It’s 100% regional. After you mentioned it, I dug this up:…/adobe-creative-cloud-lightroom-pho…
It will eventually come to everyone.
- Comment on Epic Games to update Unreal Engine pricing for devs not making games 1 year ago:
That’s not what I see.
- Comment on Larion Studios forum stores your passwords in unhashed plaintext. 1 year ago:
What an absolutely shitty design.
- Comment on Larion Studios forum stores your passwords in unhashed plaintext. 1 year ago:
I recently created an Activision account during a free weekend event and discovered their password system is completely broken. 30 character limit but refused to accept any more than 12 characters. Kept erroring out with must be less than 30. Once I got it down to 12 it accepted that, but then it complained about certain special characters. Definitely not giving them financial information.
- Comment on Can we please unpin the proprietary off-site/off-network promotion of discord 1 year ago:
It has moderation tools already. They’re upgrading and expanding them to be more granular per user feedback.
They’re not absent as your comment leads one to believe.
- Comment on Can we please unpin the proprietary off-site/off-network promotion of discord 1 year ago:
One already exists