- Comment on US supreme court sides with Starbucks in union case over fired employees 8 months ago:
I mean that guy is being an idiot, but it’s also not quite that simple. There is still more and less ethical consumption. A fairphone is more ethical than an iPhone, and pointing that out in good faith to someone complaining about Apple’s behavior seems entirely fair.
It’s not a complete fallacy to point out that someone is consuming something less ethical when they have a better option. Obviously it’s impossible for anyone to do this with literally everything, but absolutely you can avoid Starbucks because of their treatment of unions, and frequent a local coffee shop instead.
Granted this is mostly assuming two people having a good faith discussion, which on the internet is infrequent lol.
- Comment on How are Book Bans Constitutional? 8 months ago:
The problem is the obscenity exception is also used for things like preventing someone from walking around a public park with a giant sign covered in gore porn. Something like that I think is obviously pretty okay to ban, but clearly it gets misused for a lot of homophobic/transphobic type stuff.
- Comment on Mushroom ID 9 months ago:
“Destroying Angel” is an incredibly metal name for a mushroom lmao.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
Fully agree. Honestly there’s a few subjects where this kinda logic comes up and I get annoyed. Like it’s fine to not be perfect, but don’t pretend that you aren’t perfect, or that your choices are somehow ‘good’ when they aren’t, just because you don’t like the realization.
- Comment on There is one uncleared level remaining in Super Mario Maker, with 18 days to go before the servers shut down 11 months ago:
That video is a TAS, no human has cleared the level.
- Comment on Amazon anti Union propaganda 1 year ago:
No the usual ‘argument’ that references is that it you have a complaint or preference or comment or whatever about your work or job duties, you have to bring it to your union rep, rather than talk directly with your employers management. Somehow that’s supposed to be an argument against unions.
- Comment on Will it ever get to a point where data is so over-harvested that it starts to lose value? 1 year ago:
Yeah but this also results in the site receiving less money from ads, also hurting them in the long run. Really the solution is to pay for the services you enjoy, and acknowledge the age-old “if the service is free, you are the product”.
- Comment on The fact that people this stupid exist 1 year ago:
I mean also isn’t the hpv vaccine kinda functionally a cancer vaccine