- Comment on Found these in a cabinet at work. Boss told me to make them disappear. 1 week ago:
Make what disappear?
- Comment on It was Steve 5 weeks ago:
It’s my first day
- Comment on Well it's an improvement for this pet mouse 1 month ago:
- Comment on Good morning I choose it's nipply out. 2 months ago:
Every-time I go down to the cable company……
- Comment on What video game company/developer/publisher loves shitting on it's fans? 3 months ago:
Try ascension, it’s an old school wow-like with no classes giving it a familiar but fresh feeling, might help to unstick some from wow making moving easier
- Comment on Palworld Developer Reveals The Pokémon Patents Nintendo Claims It's Violating 3 months ago:
If I recall correctly weren’t all the patients filed for and approved after PAL World released?
- Comment on Windows 7 and 8 now dead for gaming, as new Steam update pulls support 3 months ago:
I actually disagree here, as I have games that I purchased that only work in win98/winXP/7 I think they should make one “last” version that supports those old systems to facilitate the old games on these old versions. No new features or anything just what’s needed to provide access to these old games
- Comment on The world’s first Nintendo Museum is now open | CNN 5 months ago:
First ride will be a court room with Weird Al’s “I’ll sue ya” playing as elevator music
- Comment on If Biden wanted to could he have people kill Trump since he is in office and SCOTUS said it was ok? 5 months ago:
- Comment on I heard were doing Beam now? 5 months ago:
Average gta tree
- Comment on Curation services 9 months ago:
What about if I pay extra? Asking for a friend
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago: