- Comment on Anon watches Clone Wars 8 months ago:
Because the poster was 12 when the Clone Wars TV show was out and people think what they watched as a kid was good basically automatically.
- Comment on Anon is a samurai 8 months ago:
Samurai fucking loved guns practically as soon as they were introduced in the 16th century to Japan, and before that they would have been more proud of archery and horsemanship than swordsmanship anyway.
- Comment on Anon catches her boyfriend in a private moment 9 months ago:
Using "the ick" unironically is way worse
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam 9 months ago:
Reading this thread makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills. This game was mediocre as fuck. The open world was practically empty. There were like five characters with anything but a superficial motivation. Combat is point and click nothingness, there is no strategy whatsoever and the AI is practically nonexistent. Constant bugs and graphical issues. The big fixes only fixes the very last thing.
- Comment on AI unicorn Inflection abandons its ChatGPT challenger as CEO Mustafa Suleyman joins Microsoft 11 months ago:
In what fucking universe are mergers and acquisitions difficult my man
- Comment on Why is propaganda frowned upon? 1 year ago:
Marketing and evangelism are fucking terrible too while we are at it
- Comment on Why would someone openly say that they oppose human rights? 1 year ago:
Some people see blood transfusions as unholy, it doesn't mean they get to decide the conduct of everyone else.
- Comment on Is it normal that I feel pretty bad for ignoring homeless people begging for money? 1 year ago:
There wasn't any judgement implied there. It literally works because people have empathy, you know, that thing that makes you not immediately assume everyone else has the absolute worst intentions.
- Comment on Alan Wake 2 | Fully Ramblomatic 1 year ago:
Well it would have been faster but he had to make the background red instead of yellow.
- Comment on The Escapist murica-fires Editor-in-Chief - loses Yahtzee Croshaw and entire video team in hours 1 year ago:
"IP" feels like such a weird term here. It's not that I disagree, it's just weird to think about. Oh no, he will have to be mad at games with an English accent to slightly different clipart. He may have to find a new number metal riff for his intro.
- Comment on Is there any christian religions that don't believe in space? 1 year ago:
This is dipshit flatearther stuff. Ask them about the ice wall around the disc of the earth next time you see them.
- Comment on New Era of Star Trek - promotional trailer for new shows on Paramount+ 1 year ago:
Sorry, I know it's actually space Rick and Morty, I was being flippant.
- Comment on New Era of Star Trek - promotional trailer for new shows on Paramount+ 1 year ago:
Member Captain Pike? Member Spock? Member the Original Series? It's a new era of trek, one where we are literally afraid of moving the timeline forward and giving you anything but retreads of existing characters and space Family Guy.
- Comment on Happiness of girls and young women at lowest level since 2009, shows UK poll 1 year ago:
So it's not astrology when you agree with it?
- Comment on Happiness of girls and young women at lowest level since 2009, shows UK poll 1 year ago:
I'm sure you actually know a lot about psychology and aren't an armchair philosopher or anything. Wanna show us some of your papers? It should be easy to get published in a psych journal if it's just astrology, right?
- Comment on Ridley Scott Has a ‘Fantastic’ Cut of ‘Napoleon’ That Runs Four-and-a-Half Hours and Features Way More Joséphine 1 year ago:
Maybe they could split it up into even more watchable bits, call them "episodes”. It could be like a series. Not like a whole series, maybe some sort of miniature series.
It's OK to make a TV show, Ridley.
- Comment on Why is there so much hate against children here? 1 year ago:
Holy shit "I don't want to be around kids" is not the same as "I should be respected for being a racist." What a reach.
"I don't like peanut butter."
"Wow, so you hate food based on what it can't control? RACIST" - Comment on Why is there so much hate against children here? 1 year ago:
What you understand is not consistent with what has been researched. That is to say, it's a belief rather than an understanding.
- Comment on Why is there so much hate against children here? 1 year ago:
Every study done shows it's harmful either way, however "fine" you turned out.