- Comment on Don't forget! 10 months ago:
to shreds you say…
- Comment on Time to grow up. 1 year ago:
Its super nutritious. Dont let it go to waste
- Comment on Amazon anti Union propaganda 1 year ago:
I will gladly pay a union.
Always worth it. Workers unite! ✊️
- Comment on Bike Riders of lemmy, you okay with me riding my eScooter in the bike lane? 1 year ago:
In Denmark youre essentially considered a bike.
- Comment on You had unrestricted access to the internet as a child, didn't you? 1 year ago:
Same here. We did have dialup but it was slow and uninteresting at the time.
Got a paper route and upgraded the household to 1 Mbit. It was great!
- Comment on AITA for not wanting to go to my (21F) sister’s (24f) wedding because she’s a spoiled golden child? 1 year ago:
Youre a guest. You can choose not to go. So choose that, if that is truly what you want
Of course both choices can have consequences…
- Comment on How to Escape a Police Sniffing Dog - Mark Rober 1 year ago:
A good boy 🐕
- Comment on How to Escape a Police Sniffing Dog - Mark Rober 1 year ago:
- Comment on An £8 sandwich in Starbucks 1 year ago:
Dont buy food in a shitty ciffee shop… lol
- Comment on If Thanos had, instead of randomly wiping out 50% of all living things, he had instead in each species wiped out only the dumbest 50% what would the reaction of each avenger have been? 1 year ago:
Then we know he would have killed all of GOTG
- Comment on Bard can now connect to your Google Apps and services 1 year ago:
I just tried it out and its pretty cool. It can read pdfs from your google drive and summierize it and comment on it, etc.
I havent tested other functions, yet. But its fun. You can throw in a whole book and ask it to summerize a chapter… i guess.
- Comment on 66% of Americans say they want extended European-style vacation policies at work 1 year ago:
Although personally I’d rather work through August just to avoid millions of families with kids everywhere. Holidays are so expensive at that time of year.
Here in Denmark
in most places at least, you can choose the times you want vacation. Some places to “force” their employees to take 3 weeks during june - august… but then you still got 3 other weeks you can sprinkle around the year. (a lot of other places dont care)
- Comment on Friday Facts #373 - Factorio: Space Age 1 year ago:
Well. It aint getting cheaper. So might as well.
- Comment on Friday Facts #373 - Factorio: Space Age 1 year ago:
Armored core 6.
Releases today. Has gotten nice reviews
- Comment on Apple security updates could be banned by British government 1 year ago:
What does the british think of this?
Why are they(thr elected politicians) ruining their country?
- Comment on Game ad notification on Windows... 1 year ago:
If i recall you can disable the whole notification center…
Ive yet to see anything like that on my pc
- Comment on Tick tock 🕚 1 year ago:
Yep. Its a slow process.
They are collecting evidence. Witness statements and such.
They are NOT rushing this. It would be a shitshow.
- Comment on PSA: the largest piracy community is blocked from 1 year ago:
I just logged into my user from instead of .world