- Comment on 4chan Is Using TikTok Owner ByteDance's Hidden AI App to Generate Porn 8 months ago:
Which is why you laugh at them as they deserve and move on.
- Comment on 4chan Is Using TikTok Owner ByteDance's Hidden AI App to Generate Porn 8 months ago:
Those people are wrong.
- Comment on 4chan Is Using TikTok Owner ByteDance's Hidden AI App to Generate Porn 8 months ago:
“People been killing each other for ever. Stabbing someone’s chest. Smashing their head in with a rock. Before everyone gets their pitchforks, I’m not saying this is not harmful to the victims or that their should not be consequences for murder. Grenades are just another tool.”
At some point this AI-evangelist “it’s just a tool” argument stops holding water. We can’t just enable all people to do things 1) rapidly and 2) at scale without any consideration for how they will use it.
- Comment on Can somebody explain why game makers don't start their own companies together? 10 months ago:
Hades II just dropped by SGG, which is basically what y’all are calling for. This system is viable once you’ve had your first quasi-successful game. That first game is the problem though - it’s a massive hurdle. So many groups seek bigger companies to support them. After that, your theirs. Especially if you make a hit.
There are also other factors such as running a studio means running a business. If you’re a developer, you might have very little interest in that. So you instead get hired by a company which enables you to get a paycheck as you do the thing you actually enjoy.
Additionally, there is marketing and distribution. Do not underestimate how much connections matter when marketing and distributing your game. And yes, everyone needs to market. They can’t all be Hi-Fi Rush (which yikes they weren’t safe either) shadow dropping. Though they also had a big studio to help them capitalize so lol
- Comment on Has ethernet become illegitimate? A librarian flipped out after spotting me using ethernet 10 months ago:
How many times do we need to tell you that you can’t lie about your intentions and then expect people to respect your perceived “rights“? This is like anti-maskers who would walk into places with mask mandates intentionally and then takeoff their masks just to make a scene and record it for the Internet. You’re pot stirring.
- Comment on Has ethernet become illegitimate? A librarian flipped out after spotting me using ethernet 10 months ago:
It’s such a bizarre post.
- Comment on Has ethernet become illegitimate? A librarian flipped out after spotting me using ethernet 10 months ago:
Well, OP side of the story isn’t even that vindicating either. The dude literally admitted in one comment that he all but lied to them about what he was doing, yet he’s mad when they were upset he wasn’t clear with his intentions and started plugging in cat5 without any heads up.
- Comment on Has ethernet become illegitimate? A librarian flipped out after spotting me using ethernet 10 months ago:
Dude ffs grow up and just ask in the future. This whole post and defensive posture is so childish.
- Comment on Has ethernet become illegitimate? A librarian flipped out after spotting me using ethernet 10 months ago:
If you don’t trust it to be entirely accurate then it is ridiculous to act like it is “for the sake of discussion.” Healthy skepticism is absolutely warranted
- Comment on It’s the End of the Web as We Know It 10 months ago:
Linux is the result of a massive number of people working at their own paces with no deadlines and no expenses other than time and the computer they already own. Quality, relevant journalism is an entirely different beast that has hard costs associated with it. What you are suggesting would mean that only those who don’t need an income can participate in the endeavor. It just inverts the problem.
- Comment on It’s the End of the Web as We Know It 10 months ago:
quality information
The question is how do you expect quality information to be produced if it isn’t paid for? I think it’s terrible we have to think in those terms but as the other person said, that is reality.
- Comment on It’s the End of the Web as We Know It 11 months ago:
They could tactfully include ads, but no one ever tactfully includes ads.
Because they don’t work outside of basically podcasting. And even then many shows stretch “tactfully.”
- Comment on Another hit to physical media as Target lays out plans to ditch in-store DVD and Blu-ray sales 11 months ago:
Guess it’ll be fun to clear them out
- Comment on Fallout Show, so bad that no one will remember it in 3 months 11 months ago:
I’d love to have that TH money that’s for sure lol
- Comment on Fallout Show, so bad that no one will remember it in 3 months 11 months ago:
Meh I liked 4 lol
- Comment on Fallout Show, so bad that no one will remember it in 3 months 11 months ago:
It’s fine
- Comment on Discord is nuking Nintendo Switch emulator devs and their entire servers 11 months ago:
They also focus on making sure nobody can fucking afford them
- Comment on Discord is nuking Nintendo Switch emulator devs and their entire servers 11 months ago:
Definitely not directed at you. I’m just so tired of people in general excusing Nintendo for ridiculous behavior because of some romantic view they have of the company.
- Comment on Discord is nuking Nintendo Switch emulator devs and their entire servers 11 months ago:
Every FOSS alternative to discord I’ve seen is basically a sea of dead servers
- Comment on Discord is nuking Nintendo Switch emulator devs and their entire servers 11 months ago:
But they’re not a business they just love making games for real gamers!
- Comment on Discord is nuking Nintendo Switch emulator devs and their entire servers 11 months ago:
Every alternative I have tried has a few “big” communities that were active for about four days before completely collapsing on themselves. It’s not that there isn’t a viable alternative, it’s that there is literally no alternative it seems like.
- Comment on Spotify plans to raise prices this year and introduce new plans - news 11 months ago:
Telling anyone to “just Google it” is proof that you have no interest in a good faith discussion.
How on earth you could read what they wrote and say it’s in bad faith means either A) you don’t know what that term means or B) it’s become so diluted and repeated that it’s lost all meaning. Perhaps both idk.
- Comment on Your Computer Isn't Yours: Apple stores every program you run, and when and where you ran it 11 months ago:
- Comment on Your Computer Isn't Yours: Apple stores every program you run, and when and where you ran it 11 months ago:
Would you recommend one of these alternatives or a Linux-based OS for a 2016 Intel MacBook Pro?
- Comment on Bethesda Celebrates 30th Anniversary of The Elder Scrolls, Provides Small Development Update on The Elder Scrolls VI 11 months ago:
They really, really need to take the critiques of their procgen to heart. Games are too big now. We don’t need endless planets of nothing. You can create incredible experiences that unfold over dozens of hours - if not hundreds - in a smaller, more curated world.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Big same. Calling someone a pedophile is arguably the the single worst thing you can accuse someone of. I don’t like how normalized that’s become and it happened because of people like him.
Also it was just a wildly disproportionate response to a valid concern. He’s just a child.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
What changed was he stopped paying for a quality PR team.
- Comment on Excuse me, René 1 year ago:
Boomer humor
- Comment on Teslas Have a Minor Issue Where the Wheels Fly Off While Driving, Documents Show 1 year ago:
Was this tanker safe?
I was more referring to the other tankers.
- Comment on Banksy Encourages Fans to Shoplift From Guess Since Company 'Helped Themselves to My Artwork Without Asking’ 1 year ago:
Aite, I’ll admit it. That was funny lol