I don’t know what this is
- Comment on i stare it in the face every goddamn day 4 months ago:
You could evolve a hundred times or more
- Comment on Conversing with Mathematicians 7 months ago:
Yeah exactly you’re right, why overcomplicate the problem like the Reddit comment did? I guess that’s just typical Reddit thinking that being pendantic and using lots of fancy words and long explanations makes you smart.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
It’s an American obsession.
Are you just going to pretend that there is no racism anywhere else? It was the Europeans that colonised half the planet and invented the concept of “whiteness”.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Personally I see most of these prejudicial issues being an exclusively American problem that has been exported abroad
Have you forgotten who colonised most of the world, including America?
- Comment on the fuckgraph 1 year ago:
Well it is a 20 year old study. Attitudes towards LGBT people were much less accepting back then
- Comment on When this post is 6 hours old, will be going down for an upgrade 1 year ago:
That’s cool, hope all goes well with the upgrade!
- Comment on Martin Scorsese urges filmmakers to fight comic book movie culture: ‘We’ve got to save cinema’ 1 year ago:
No lies detected.
Honestly tuned out of the whole Marvel Vinematic Iniverse stuff after the Avengers Age Of Ultron movie. It all felt so manufactured and artificial by then already.
- Comment on Nitrous oxide: Laughing gas to be illegal by end of year 1 year ago:
Hahaha. But yeah it’s not being banned because of that obviously. Just thought it would be interesting to add.
- Comment on Nitrous oxide: Laughing gas to be illegal by end of year 1 year ago:
Footballers are going to hate this. It’s an easy way to get high (for fun, not for performance) without being busted on a drug test.
- Comment on My thoughts on Hexbear. Posting as the megathread was locked. 1 year ago:
Lmao 🤣
- Comment on My thoughts on Hexbear. Posting as the megathread was locked. 1 year ago:
I think instance level blocking from the user side is coming soon™, so that should help if you want to avoid us.
- Comment on My thoughts on Hexbear. Posting as the megathread was locked. 1 year ago:
That’s actually pretty cool.
My username was just me randomly mashing the keyboard, yours actually has some meaning haha
- Comment on [Discussion] What is your go-to movie that you will never turn down? 1 year ago:
Yeah, one of the gems of the 2000s
- Comment on [Discussion] What is your go-to movie that you will never turn down? 1 year ago:
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind. The premise always sucks me in, can’t turn it down. Not a good movie to watch on a date or in the beginning of a relationship though.