Passionate about freedom, libre software/hardware, environmental sustainability, and doing the right thing even when it’s inconvenient.
Mastodon: @jc@librem.one
- Comment on why dont we do this??? are we stupid?? 2 months ago:
But image the traffic 🙃
- Comment on Anons discuss PC vs console gaming 3 months ago:
Then you have the Steam Deck which can easily serve as both.
- Comment on Neighbour deliberately blocking OP 1 year ago:
I have a very hard time believing that an internal combustion engine would sustain significant damage prior to stalling. An engine could run, albeit very poorly, with extreme backpressure (say, an exhaust blockage but perhaps some leaks elsewhere in the exhaust system). If the exhaust was perfectly sealed, there would be so much backpressure that the mixture would be starved of air and there would simply not be any explosion in the cylinders. I have limited knowledge of diesel engines but would expect a similar result.
Here’s a video where an exhaust pipe is plugged. You can see how quickly the car stalls (at 10:00): piped.video/watch?v=jnoW0skAChA