- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
I often listen to TNG or DS9 or VOY as I know many of us do to fall asleep
Fuck, I’m not the only on who does this?!?!?
- Comment on My thoughts on Hexbear. Posting as the megathread was locked. 1 year ago:
I’m also unironically a fan of randint so
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- Comment on My thoughts on Hexbear. Posting as the megathread was locked. 1 year ago:
Yes, in hindsight, calling that genocide with no real evidence of direct killing is a bit too much.
But the report I linked to mentioned coercive birth control and internment or imprisonment for violations of the family planning policy (page 35).
Your interpretation is much stronger than the report: ‘but remained “seriously concerned about reported instances of the use of coercive measures, including forced abortion and forced sterilization, with a view to limiting births”’. I’m not even saying that it isn’t happening. But if it was a massive problem, you’d think there’d be more than reports. There are mobile phones and foreign tourists in Xinjiang, it’s not like the government would be able to forcibly abort 10% of babies there without someone taking a smartphone video of the abortion police coming to their home.
I’m reminded that forced sterilisation of minorities in the US is a known fact.
- Comment on My thoughts on Hexbear. Posting as the megathread was locked. 1 year ago:
I choose lemm.ee specifically because of the conservative defed policy.
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- Comment on My thoughts on Hexbear. Posting as the megathread was locked. 1 year ago:
I’m legit sorry for all the drama and unpaid work the mods have to go through. Really.
- Comment on My thoughts on Hexbear. Posting as the megathread was locked. 1 year ago:
I applaud OP for the the citations and research. I appreciate his linking to the UNHRC report, but nowhere in that report does it mention “genocide”. I’d honestly like people to compare it to multiple UNHRC reports on US treatment of its black population.
I’m no expert, maybe China is taking an overly heavy hand in Xinjiang. But to call it a genocide when no evidence exists for mass killing, and when the US war on terror lead to 5 million actual deaths, is absurd projection and and diminishes the value of the word “genocide”.
- Comment on Most motorists want noise cameras installed to clamp down on loud cars 1 year ago:
I 100% support your sentiment, but please consider reframing away from body-shaming in the future.
- Comment on Most motorists want noise cameras installed to clamp down on loud cars 1 year ago:
There’s absolutely ways to make a classic car quieter. I just think you want to run loud.
- Comment on Most motorists want noise cameras installed to clamp down on loud cars 1 year ago:
I’m pretty sure that a lot of people do custom jobs, either at a shop or a hobbyist place. The nerds who are into custom exhausts can probably just switch before and after their inspection. Although granted I wish the MOT dealt with loud cars better. I heard they’re going down this route, but haven’t see any effect from it yet.