- Comment on Meep meeep meep 5 days ago:
I don’t know if I’m imagining it, but I think I can see joy in the eyes of the beaker walking up to the cameraman as they come to beat this shit out of them
- Comment on I like Genesis 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Steam is 'an unsafe place for teens and young adults': US senator warns Gabe Newell of 'more intense scrutiny' from the government if Valve doesn't take action against extremist content 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Jesus Christ 4 weeks ago:
no no, God is doing this BECAUSE we’re polluting the earth. if you stop and reverse the pollution then he won’t be mad anymore…
You think that would work to get them to stop?
- Comment on New frog just dropped!!! 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on critical latex mod 1 month ago:
It looks like it’s typographically aligned “justified”, meaning it has a standard width and will automatically add gaps between words to make it fit the page. It looks cleaner and used in many legal and academic documents.
- Comment on Wow! Doom really can run on anything! 1 month ago:
when I was a kid I had to retrieve a ball that went into a brush of prickly pear. I didn’t see any spikes coming out of it so I thought it was fine.
it hurt so much just to move my hand
- Comment on Halloween Botany 2 months ago:
wait until you hear about vegetables
- Comment on Swifties wasted no time... 2 months ago:
Grand Thumb did a video on .22LR, and it definitely can still do damage at that range. Granted, you’d have to be an incredibly good shot, but could still be deadly
- Comment on Anon makes popcorn 5 months ago:
relevant Technology Connections:
- Comment on favourite drink 6 months ago:
ok so I don’t really drink alcohol, but some online friends got me to try soju. Grabbed some from the store and… I don’t get it. very much an alcohol taste to it. I can taste the plum in it, but it’s just not that great imo.
- Comment on Ok, $23. Final offer. 7 months ago:
only triple? there’s a couple that I’m waiting on a repress for that are listed for 10x the price
- Comment on Crime 7 months ago:
The laws of physics? What are you, a narc?
- Comment on molten surprise 7 months ago:
There’s a surprising amount of overlap between XKCD’s comics and content that would fit in the “Children’s Fun Fact Science Corner” section of Welcome to Night Vale
- Comment on Who made more money with it, him or Prince? 9 months ago:
using a backslash before the asterisk will prevent the markdown interpreting it
I am sick of these motherf*cking posts on this motherf*cking thread
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Titanfall 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 for the past few weeks.
also DCS if that counts as a game
- Comment on Redditor when women 1 year ago:
you know that /s has been around since the discussion board days before Reddit was even a thing right?
- Comment on Thanks to everyone who suggested i play Titan fall 2 1 year ago:
Pretty much my only fps game, and has been for the last 7 years. Other fps games may have had my interest for a few months, but I just keep coming back to Titanfall. The gameplay mechanics are by far my favorite.
- Comment on yeeah 1 year ago:
Your American? Excuse me but slavery was abolished over 150 years ago.