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- Comment on Hey guys I love Jodie Foster so much any tips on how someone like me can impress her? 7 months ago:
Which episode is it?
- Comment on Problem solved ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ 8 months ago:
I saw a bunny once systemically behead a bunch of dandelions in an area. It was cute and scary.
- Comment on Which is which? 8 months ago:
- Comment on Still wondering why people from Alaska didn't post about the eclipse 10 months ago:
Yeah I traveled to a city for 1 min of totality because I couldn’t afford a hotel to stay the night and had out from there. Totally worth, it’s one of the prettiest things I’ve ever seen. Like a ring of absolute silver. It felt like night too because the crickets came out and started chirping.
- Comment on My go-to formula 11 months ago:
God I hate it. I pause every ellipses automatically in my head so I’m reading that much slower and it makes me angry.
- Comment on I always felt bad for Tom. He was just doing his job. 1 year ago:
Angry upvote
- Comment on Capitalism indoctrination in progress. 1 year ago:
Is it a ping pong table full of money?