- Comment on USA Question | How much is a dozen large eggs near you? 1 month ago:
Depending on the type, my grocery store is anywhere from $5-9 per dozen. Baking is getting expensive yo!
- Comment on Do dogs and cats have dominant front paws? 2 months ago:
I think people who do sports with their dogs are likely to be able to see these preferences easier. I do agility with mine and there’s a lot of time spent watching their feet and seeing where and how they start and land jumps and such. He tends to favor his left and will typically lead with it. When we’re doing scentwork he also raises his left paw to signal as well. He uses both paws for all sorts of things, but I believe he does favor his left!
- Comment on Survey: 73% of Amazon workers are considering quitting after 5-day in-office mandate 5 months ago:
When my last company said we had to go back 3 days a week I found a new job. I agonized over the decision for days because I had been there 8 years, but knew I would be unhappy going back. Am happy as a lamb now though and work fully remotely for a company who’s nearest office is over 2000 miles away. Best career decision I’ve ever made
- Comment on Steam does the opposite of forcing Arbitration on its users 5 months ago:
Instead of Steam forcing any disputes with them to go through an “impartial” 3rd party company they choose and pay for to oversee and rule on disputes, they are saying that disputes must go through the courts.
Basically forced arbitration has always been seen as anti-consumer and unfair because the company is paying for the arbitration and is thus considered more likely to be found in favor of. Steam is doing the opposite and as such this is seen as pro-consumer and a good thing
- Comment on Has Google Search gotten so much worse in the last couple of weeks? 6 months ago:
How many times are you going to post that link? We have seen it, and at this point you’re just spamming.
We get it, you don’t like Kagi. Stop spamming the thread.
- Comment on Borderlands' theatrical run grinds to a halt with just $31 million worldwide, which is barely enough to cover the marketing costs 6 months ago:
Crazy that they spent that much on marketing and I still had no idea that movie was coming until I read articles about how badly it bombed. Did they blow the marketing budget on hookers and blow and call it good?? What the hell happened here?!
- Comment on I remember a time where you would get multiple results from a search with no scrolling 7 months ago:
100% agree. I’ve been using Kagi for a bit over a month now and I love it. My one and only complaint is business hours can be harder to find - I have to actually click into their website for it. That’s it though! Everything else is dramatically less painful in my opinion. I don’t need business hours frequently enough for it to matter though, and if needed I can use Google for that one thing.
Kagi has been a breath of fresh air
- Comment on Awnings: a simple cooling tech we apparently forgot about 8 months ago:
Honestly, I kinda hate the big tree in our front yard. It has these tiny leaves and every fall we have to clean the roof and gutters repeatedly until it finally drops everything, because those stupid leaves stick to everything and clog not just the gutters but the downpipes. This tree has caused our basement to flood during fall because one storm can simultaneously blow off a ton of leaves, instantly clogging the gutter, and then pour rain down the front of the house. We spent hundreds of dollars last year on a new gutter solution for 6ft of gutter. You read that right. Six feet of gutter cost us about $450, and they STILL wouldn’t guarantee it would fix the problem because of the stupid tree.
We keep the tree trimmed and healthy, but every time the trimmers come out I dream about telling him to cut the stupid thing down. Awnings would be easier -_-
- Comment on Don't let your dreams be memes ✨️ 10 months ago:
My husband and I tried so hard to just let our lawn be what it wanted to be. All the clover, dandelions, wild strawberry, wild onion and ginger absolutely took over. In the back, it’s completely fine. We get a lot of brown spots and mud during winter when it dies back, but come spring it’s back to thriving. In our front yard though, enough of it died back that a heavy rain washed a lot of our yard into our driveway. We tried to manage it for a year before giving in.
So now, our front yard is an ugly but pristine monoculture grass hellscape. The back though is much larger, and still full of the awesome native plant goodness. I know nature is thriving back there because I pretty much cannot use my yard during summer due to the insane amount of bugs. There is a thriving ecosystem with all sorts of wildlife, from bunnies, squirrels and chipmunks to cardinals, robins and owls. Occasionally even a stray fox or mallard can be seen around the creek. And I live in the suburbs of a major metro area, and can hear I-35 from my house. It really is quite remarkable how natural ecosystems can thrive with just a tiny bit of encouragement.
- Comment on Come on, science! 10 months ago:
Dogs can offer fantastic companionship and help keep the elderly active longer. At 80, your mother could still potentially outlive the dog depending on the age/breed and both of their health! I do hope that I live to be 80 and still have a dog. Dogs, like humans, are pretty resilient. They can bounce back from grief and change. Sounds like the dog’s welfare is planned for, so I personally think it’s great! That dog might help give her more years herself!
- Comment on Come on, science! 10 months ago:
In my opinion I think it’s important to always have a plan for your pet in case you die, as you never know. I personally have a beneficiary for a portion of my 401k that will get $20k of it and my dog(s) upon my death if my husband isn’t alive at the time. It’s a person I trust and has agreed to take on the responsibility, and care for them the way I would. I know not everyone is able to leave funds for the care of their pet, but having the conversation with friends and loved ones ahead of time to see who could and would take them is important.
- Comment on They won't teach you this in Drivers Ed 1 year ago:
I’m actually terrified of doing this in an automatic because I’ve been driving a manual so long. Nobody is making manuals anymore so I assume my next car will be an automatic and I’m going to need a strap for my left foot so I can’t accidentally do this lol.
Last time I drove an automatic I put it in reverse when I got to a stop sign because my hand just went for it and pushed the same amount I would in my car to get to neutral. That was the day that I learned both that the button on automatic shifters means nothing, and that I must sit on my right hand when driving one.
That muscle memory is a hell of a thing