- Comment on Netflix culls staff at Oxenfree developer Night School Studio 1 week ago:
I didn’t realize that Netflix actually bought the studio. I just thought they licensed the game or something.
- Comment on House of the Dead 2 Remake - Announcement Trailer 1 month ago:
If you can’t play with a light gun, what’s the point?
- Comment on Infamous vs Prototype | 15 Years Later 1 month ago:
Ghost of Tsushima felt the same to me. Great characters and a beautiful world, but the gameplay felt bland. I was happy to finally get to the end because I didn’t have to play anymore.
- Comment on The PlayStation Portal remote player experience to evolve with new system update 3 months ago:
Yep! That’s why everyone was wondering WTF before it came out.
- Comment on The PlayStation Portal remote player experience to evolve with new system update 3 months ago:
This update will also include a beta version of a new feature that many fans have been asking for – support for cloud streaming on PS Portal. When the update is live, PlayStation Plus Premium members will be able to participate in a beta for cloud streaming on PS Portal, allowing select PS5 games in the PlayStation Plus Game Catalog* to be streamed directly from our servers, even without a PS5 console.
- Comment on Death Stranding gets surprise Xbox Series X release 3 months ago:
It’s interesting that it specifically mentions the Series X. My understanding is that anything released on Series X must also run on the Series S.
- Comment on An important update on Concord 5 months ago:
I haven’t really noticed anything in that regard. I’ve also been curious about the collectibility of physical copies of online only games. If the game is no longer playable, is there actually any value? I feel like things are a little too early to say at this point, but given how rare this title will seemingly be, I’m hedging my bets.
- Comment on An important update on Concord 5 months ago:
I’m a collector, and this is a game that may have a high value in the future due to being rare. If it was literally only available for 2 weeks and they pulled all the remaining copies and refunded people, there’s not going to be many, and I will have a sealed copy. Of course, it’s possible that they may re-release it in the future if they decide it’s worth the money to tweak it, but I honestly kind of doubt it. You may be wondering why it matters if it literally can’t be played and who would want it, and that’s absolutely a fair question, but in the end, the answer is collectors.
- Comment on An important update on Concord 5 months ago:
I didn’t realize that there was a physical release for this game. I just bought myself a copy to keep sealed in my collection.
- Comment on Mouse: P.I. For Hire Official Gameplay Trailer 6 months ago:
Works for me on Sync.
- Comment on On Lemmy can we use the NA word or do we get ban? Not going to type it out because I do not want to get banned. 7 months ago:
Life pro tip: If a community would ban you for using the word Nazi (assuming you’re not being an asshole), make them ban you.
- Comment on NPR: 'Star Trek: Discovery' ends as an underappreciated TV pioneer 8 months ago:
the last few seasons of Discovery have been a bit bogged down by the stuff that has always made it a tough sell as a Trek series: overly ambitious, serialized storylines that aren’t compelling; new characters and environments that don’t impress; plot twists which can be maddening in their lack of logic; big storytelling swings which can be confusing and predictable at once.
Yeah, it’s not “underappreciated”. It’s just not very good for what many of us are expecting. I still haven’t gotten through season 3.
- Comment on Why does Sync not display some comments? 9 months ago:
If you’re specifically seeing that there’s one comment, but there are none when you open the comments, The two most likely scenarios seem like the posts are for videos and you have pipe links hidden in the settings, or you have an active user blocked.
- Comment on what's a good way to stick a laser leveler to the wall? 9 months ago:
Some good suggestions already, but I would also keep in mind that you can put a nail in the wall right behind where you’re going to be hanging up one of the pictures. It’s a small hole, and there’s no immediate need to paint the patch since it’s going to be hidden behind a frame anyway.
- Comment on Doesn't the need for a permit fundamentally contradict the US's ideals of free speech? 9 months ago:
My understanding is that the permits essentially allow you to disrupt things like traffic by having sections of the city cordoned off for gathering/marching. Take this with a grain of salt, as I’ve never had to actually deal with the permitting myself.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
You’re over analyzing it. These medications are prescribed all the time, especially for surgeries. They’re only concerned if you start filling multiple prescriptions for the same narcotics at different pharmacies. They aren’t going to care if you return the pills back. It’s just going to go into a pile with expired medications to get destroyed. I doubt they would make any record of it. You don’t have to take any painkillers if you don’t feel they are warranted. I didn’t take mine when I had my surgery. Once you have completed recovery, if you want to get rid of the medications, any pharmacy will carry the materials you need to destroy the medication safely. I don’t remember what it’s called offhand, but you can go to any pharmacy and ask for some packets of the stuff that destroys medications, and they’ll just give them to you.
- Comment on 1000 years from now physics is forgotten and all that remains is the legend of two hobbits, Charm and Spin, and their quest for the Higgyboson. At this point, is physics true? 10 months ago:
Thanks. Now I’ve blocked them. 🙂
- Comment on Dragon’s Dogma II sales top 2.5 million 10 months ago:
I’m at level 25, and I also have yet to find out how to actually use microtransactions. I assume if I go looking for them through the PSN interface I could find them, but I haven’t seen anything in-game so far.
- Comment on Dragon’s Dogma II sales top 2.5 million 10 months ago:
One neat thing about wakestones is that you can use them to revive NPCs that have been killed. This is cool, but also means that I have honestly used Wake stones just as much to revive NPCs as I have on myself. The main city in the first area actually has a massive morgue that presumably fills up with the bodies of dead NPCs so you can find them easier.
- Comment on CEO Bobby Kotick will leave Activision Blizzard on January 1, 2024 1 year ago:
Good riddance!
- Comment on New Era of Star Trek - promotional trailer for new shows on Paramount+ 1 year ago:
Of course there is zero mention of Prodigy…
- Comment on Braga: ‘I still cringe when I hear it.’ Apparently, it was a long road to the franchise’s most despised title music 1 year ago: