- Comment on hard to argue with 5 months ago:
After you put your pants back on.
- Comment on Implants 5 months ago:
It’s plastered all over painted blocks of wood for $40 at mildly up-scale places (or places trying to appear up scale), along with other “gems” of wisdom.
It’s not so much the cornyness, but the posh posturing and sheer stupidity of having vapid expressions on expensive blocks of wood.
- Comment on Disney lost nearly a third of a billion dollars on two Marvel movies 5 months ago:
Have now. Still not seeing the appeal, but then it takes more than seeing someone in something funny for me to like them specifically. I’m far too old to be fanatic about much, and Tim and Eric style silly sketches are hit and miss at best. Sure, the hits are really funny, but absurd is not funny in and of itself to me.
- Comment on Disney lost nearly a third of a billion dollars on two Marvel movies 5 months ago:
It’s not that tge physics doesnpt match reality, it’s that the physics doesn’t match THEIR OWN rules.
It’d be like if the Hulk was crushing cars with his steps in one scene, but then calmly sitting in a flimsy plastic lawn chair in the next. It’s discongruent within their OWN rules. It doesn’t match THEIR OWN reality.
- Comment on Disney lost nearly a third of a billion dollars on two Marvel movies 5 months ago:
I do not understand Paul Rudd’s appeal at all. He just seems like a normal dork that isn’t ugly. Nothing against him, I just don’t get the gushing everyone else seems to do.
- Comment on I didn't know HOW bad Google search has gotten. 5 months ago:
Yes. Stop using Google services.
Why is that the answer? Because Google WANTS you to use it, and it is not illegal to force you once you’re searching with them.
- Comment on Risky Buisness 5 months ago:
Depends on the context, IMO. If making a stupid sex joke is the best she’ll contribute to the world, Hawk Tua girl it is.
- Comment on Follow this daily workout for huge gains 5 months ago:
I dunno’, this one’s quite a bit worse. 100 situps, pushups, and squats aren’t exactly easy like doing the alphabet. At least if someone did Saitama’s exercise, they would be in decent shape, just not a well balanced in shape.
- Comment on jealousy 5 months ago:
But… teeth don’t change arrangement as you age. Straight teeth are straight teeth unless rare complications happen like you have a lot of wisdom teeth and they shove the other teeth out of alignment.
- Comment on jealousy 5 months ago:
Average age is not average for those that reached adulthood. Most adults still lived to decent ages unless you select for very dire situations, like the Black Plague, or specific outbreaks of violence, etc.
- Comment on Lowest bidder quality 5 months ago:
Ah yes, inches worth of snow in extra weight is tooootally fine… yep, no downsides to increasing deadwwight at all, nope, nosiree, engineers all agree, dead weight needn’t factor in to calculations at all.
- Comment on y hello there 6 months ago:
Either are true, as || is an inclusive operation.
- Comment on Sony announces the PS5 Pro with a larger GPU, advanced ray tracing, and AI upscaling 6 months ago:
Sweet irony.
- Comment on The Terrifying Way That Eels Escape a Hungry Fish’s Stomach | X-ray videos showed that some young Japanese eels demonstrated that they were not content to become a predator’s meal. 6 months ago:
You try getting stuffed in to a bag of acid and see how you cope.
I bet it’s not simply curling up and accepting your painful fate.
- Comment on Sony announces the PS5 Pro with a larger GPU, advanced ray tracing, and AI upscaling 6 months ago:
PCs will always outperform consoles in both performance and capability, so have fun being a loser clinging to a failing industry.
- Comment on We Got You 6 months ago:
I mean, if you cannot pass marbles naturally, you might have other issues a doc should take a look at.
- Comment on 1337 6 months ago:
No, it’s actually wrong and I was sarcastic. Just because a lot of the world is geared behind a patriarchy does not mean it’s suddenly OK to scapegoat the complexities of basic sexual attraction on to one gender.
- Comment on 1337 6 months ago:
No, men bad! Must continue to fail to analyze society because men horny and men fault!
- Comment on 1337 6 months ago:
Where do you think the general fetishization comes from? Cultures that demonize the existence of breasts and shapely asses.
What cultures demonize breasts? Conservative religions.
In cultures that do not promote shame over basic sexual attraction, nudity is no big deal.
- Comment on First contact when? 6 months ago:
That and OUR ability to detect things is very, very limited. We’re just barely getting to thepoint of using tricks to o serve other planets’ wntire existence, let alone any animal on those planets.
Our perspective is certainly still too small to make any true determinations on the Fermi Paradox outside of ruling out some basic extremes.
- Comment on Liz Cheney Says She Will Vote for Kamala Harris 6 months ago:
You’re not wrong when comparing to old Democrats, but hopefully the AOC/progressive types keep slowly dragging those neodumbasses in to the present.
- Comment on Oof ouch owie 6 months ago:
Yep. All people need to do is remove themselves from the gene pool. Odten that involves removing themselves from the count of the living, but some just sterilize themselves in some stupid way.
- Comment on Amazon Bans Its Drivers From Moving Their Own Lips Too Much At Work 6 months ago:
Nah, should be fixed by outlawing such invasive and seriously demented micromanagement.
- Comment on Those poor plants 6 months ago:
Some misguided monsters, yes.
- Comment on Those poor plants 6 months ago:
“In some way” is doing A LOT of heavy lifting there. … although in the general sense, agreed.
Especially given how many outright wrong or ofherwise assinine conclusions some “thinking” animals come to… Perhaps communicative consciousness is overrated on the intelligence scale.
- Comment on Why I Haven't Seen Any Trump Supporters In Fediverse (Lemmy and Mastodon)? 6 months ago:
Your pride in ignorance is pathetic.
- Comment on Why I Haven't Seen Any Trump Supporters In Fediverse (Lemmy and Mastodon)? 6 months ago:
Nonono, you misunderstand the political landscape.
Something having downsides IS NOT the same as the claims being made against things. Ifmyou think conservative politicians are arguibg in good faith, you simply haven’t been listening.
There really are not sound (conservative) arguments against them.
If you fo not agree, you do not know enough.
- Comment on Why I Haven't Seen Any Trump Supporters In Fediverse (Lemmy and Mastodon)? 6 months ago:
No, there’s really not sound arguments against them. That’s why nobody ever hears sound arguments.
Stop assuming ghosts exist because you saw a picture frame on the wall move when a large truck went by…
- Comment on Veggitale facts 6 months ago:
Nah, don’t tie provable intent to it. Just knowingly lie should be enough. If it’s not under national secrets or some other thing, lying SHOULD be illegal out of representatives. Always.
They can always say, “no comment” if they feel the urge to lie.
- Comment on Trump Team Clashed With Official at Arlington National Cemetery | The military cemetery said in a statement that federal law prohibits political campaigning on the grounds, “there was an incident” 6 months ago:
Most vets understand Trump is not for freedom nor what the US stands for. It’s all the pigs, military LARPers, and fascists that like him.