- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 5 days ago:
Me: This is America.
Pornhub: This content is not available in your state due to ID verification legislation.
My VPN: This is Germany.
- Comment on Mass Effect 2 Celebrates 15th Anniversary 4 weeks ago:
Aaaaaaaaand you didn’t just take the option to sabotage them from the inside?
There’s plenty of options for that, you know.
- Comment on Checking in 1 month ago:
Maybe it’s horny, but this picture of Malenia, Goddess of Rot is now my phone background.Image
- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 1 month ago:
Instead of buying a TV, look for a digital signage display. It’s a TV, but with none of the “smart” crap on it.
Alternatively, just don’t hook your device up to the internet.
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 2 months ago:
Remember folks: China is communist in the same way that North Korea is democratic and the Nazis were socialist.
It’s just a smokescreen.
- Comment on That's right! 2 months ago:
Like, I’m in that position too, except I have a touch of the 'tism to go along with it. Not so much that I can’t function, but enough to the point that socializing is exhausting. I get nothing but bots when I try online dating, and going out mostly just results in people asking me why I’m always just standing in a corner by myself.
Really, I just need a wingman, but I don’t know anybody who would be willing or able to do it; my brother and both of my closest friends live an hour-and-a-half away and my BIL has very young kids.
I’m at a point where I’m not sure if it’s ever gonna happen.
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 3 months ago:
As someone who grew up in a conservative household in a deep red state, I think that part of it is that a lot of people are letting Lizard Brain dictate their response to transgender people.
Let me give you a personal example. A while back, I went to a social dance, and there was a trans woman there. Before the dance starts proper, the couple that runs it will teach a dance lesson, and we rotate partners while that’s going on. Eventually, I was rotated into being her partner. For some background, she was obviously early on in her transition; she still looked like a dude in a dress, she didn’t quite have the appearance down yet. But she gets huge props for not only having the bravery to go out as herself, but doing it in fucking Arkansas.
Keep in mind, where I grew up, you just didn’t see trans people, and even now, it still tickles that primal part of my brain that was trained to be uncomfortable around people who aren’t white and straight.
The difference between me and many of the people I grew up around is that I recognize that it’s happening and try to tone Lizard Brain out when it starts screaming. A lot of other people listen to it and don’t care that the person that it’s screaming about is exactly that: a person.
- Comment on The most powerful brain on Twitter 3 months ago:
That shouldn’t be surprising, given his history.
- Comment on 'AI is coming for all of us:' Mass Effect, Metal Gear Solid, and Baldur's Gate voice actor Jennifer Hale weighs in on SAG-AFTRA's games industry strike 5 months ago:
Mark Meer is great, and definitely worth playing thru to experience. Not quite at the same level as Jennifer Hale’s performance, but it was still absolutely brilliant.
Still, I hear this every time I hear Shepard talk to Dr. Chakwas.
- Comment on Anon experiences loss 7 months ago:
An oldie, but a goodie.
- Comment on Anything for my loves 8 months ago:
- Comment on Is someone safe if they report income from illegal means to the IRS? 8 months ago:
That is a pretty good explanation of money laundering, actually.
- Comment on Visions of Mana | Launch Date Trailer (August 29th) 8 months ago:
I hated X because I found most of the characters sans Auron and Lulu to be incredibly obnoxious.
X-2 just made those problems worse by largely getting rid of the few characters I could tolerate, and somehow making Rikku even more annoying.
It says something about how good the combat was in those games that I managed to power my way thru X and a fair chunk of X-2 before it just got to be too much for me.
- Comment on Visions of Mana | Launch Date Trailer (August 29th) 8 months ago:
I hate X-2 with the burning fury of a thousand suns, and I’ll still praise the combat.
- Comment on [Actress discussion] What do you think about Natalie Portman's acting? 9 months ago:
She strikes me as someone who needs good direction. She’s got acting chops, but she’s not the kind of actor who can improve a movie by her mere presence.
She’s not gonna be a legend, but she’s a solid A-tier actor.
- Comment on Apparently WarHammer 40K Is Woke Because Girls Or Something 9 months ago:
It honestly looks like someone photoshopped long hair onto Titus’ face. It has the same expression as he did at the end of the Space Marine 2 announcement trailer.
- Comment on Anon is embarrassed by their steam library 10 months ago:
Just get a second account. They’re free.
I have a second account for all of my filth, it’s easy.
- Comment on Jump Ship Plays Like a Mix of Sea of Thieves, Left 4 Dead, and FTL 10 months ago:
I’ve always said that the Railjack in Warframe really deserved to be its own game instead of a shoehorned game mode.
This looks like what that idea could be. Just being able to play Sea of Thieves IN SPACE!!! is a home-run of an idea.
- Comment on Okay, but Mötley is a pretty awesome name. 11 months ago:
Definitely has some Rogue Trader energy to it.
- Comment on Why is TikTok seen as privacy invading and bad, but Facebook is fine? 1 year ago:
People in the know understand how shitty Facebook is, but at the very least, they’re a private company. ByteDance is Chinese, and there’s very little separation between Chinese companies and the Chinese government.
So, for all intents and purposes, it comes down to a company spying on you vs. a foreign government spying on you. They’re both invading your privacy, but for different nefarious reasons.
- Comment on It's a hard life 1 year ago:
I just want a hug. More than anything else, I just want someone outside of my family to find me desirable and want to spend their time with me.
The sex can come later. I don’t even really want the sex. It’s that physical intimacy that I want. Someone who will just give me hugs without me worring about whether or not I’m making them uncomfortable.
- Comment on Hikikomori Feeding Device 1 year ago:
- Comment on 2023 Model 1 year ago:
- Comment on Xbox consoles getting full-screen ad 1 year ago:
I just hope and pray that when Gabe Newell decides to retire, he hands the reins for Valve off to someone like-minded.
A huge part of the reason PC gamers have it so good is because GabeN refuses to sell Valve (and by extension, Steam) and also wants to deliver the best product possible. He’s content with merely making lots of money, instead of trying to squeeze every last cent out of Steam at the storefronts expense.
- Comment on Shoplifting an epidemic, says John Lewis boss 1 year ago:
Remember: shop local, shoplift corporate.
- Comment on Writers Guild East Leader Says This 100-Day Strike Is Different: Studios More “Obstinate” Now 1 year ago:
My take is that the production companies are channeling their inner Joker; it’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message. They want to break the unions, and are probably getting donations from streaming giants and others who want to see unions take a big loss.
This strike is going to last until someone cries Uncle, and both sides are fired up. I hope I’m wrong, but I’m imagining this strike going down to whoever has the most resources.
- Comment on Switch 2 would arrive in the second half of 2024 and development kits are already out 1 year ago:
Yeah, BotW was cutting it close, while Tears of the Kingdom really is too much for the Switch. I got real tired of the framerate taking a dive every time I used Ultrahand.
- Comment on Divinity Original Sins 2: An unbelievably awesome game 1 year ago:
I’m one of those who doesn’t get the praise.
It’s probably just me, but I’ve always felt like if you’re not going to hold the player’s hand, then it’s important to be intuitive. DOS2…is anything BUT intuitive; not only is the game open-ended, the way forward isn’t always clear. Some early fights are difficult enough that you might assume it’s a beef gate, when it’s actually required to proceed and you just need to cheese it.
For me, it might be because the RPG mechanics aren’t familiar to me. I picked up Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous and fuckin’ loved both of those games, but Pathfinder is a game system I’m familiar with. Maybe since Baldur’s Gate 3 uses a variant of 5th edition D&D, it’ll click for me.