- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 3 months ago:
Also, gotta say, I love Lemmy, but it still weirds me out being recognized across multiple communities. Like, noticing the same users in one subreddit over and over, or being recognized in the sub is one thing. But on Lemmy I notice the same names pop up in multiple communities, and have had people continue conversations from one community in another because they recognize the username. It’s a weird experience. I feel like I’m in Mayberry. Lol
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 3 months ago:
Whoops, yeah, typod that one. Sorry!
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 3 months ago:
Made several because instances were going down left and right at one point. Lol. Finally settled on slrpnk, and only ever use this one when I accidently log into it without paying attention.
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 3 months ago:
32f is the same as 0c, and they’re both freezing. 0c is the temp at which brine freezes, but nobody really knows/cares about that. Where I live it down to -25f/-31c at least a few times a year, and normally you can expect at least a few weeks to a month below 32f/0c, but the last few years have been mild
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 3 months ago:
Yeah, nah, I’m on the side of the government paying for utilities. Human right to electricity. Figure out a system to prevent overuse, but everyone deserves to have heating and cooling when needed.
- Comment on This is at Jorvik Viking Center. 11 months ago:
Generally, you should use a cloth tape measure to measure dick. There are instructions online if you look.
Also, 8 inches to the hilt is often not pleasant, so work with your partner and learn how deep your sigmoid colon is, and take it slow. Big ol’ dick slamming into a wall is not fun unless you are very particularly into it.
- Comment on I have attempted science. 11 months ago:
Thanks! That dust on the floor I’m guessing is basically poison, lye and the ashes from other offerings. That’s wild.
Is there a verse specific to when life begins? I’ve read that it’s upon drawing breath, but that’s the part I haven’t been able to find.
- Comment on This is at Jorvik Viking Center. 11 months ago:
I imagine it was probably larger before it was… Dried out.
Also, 8 inches by 2 inches is pretty fucking large. I say this as someone who has had 8 inches back there.
- Comment on *So far* 11 months ago:
- Comment on I have attempted science. 11 months ago:
Ooh, you don’t happen to know a verse for this, do you? I’ve heard this before and tried to Google it, but my Google fu is lacking and I just end up finding right wing nut job websites.
- Comment on So this is what my upstairs neighbor has been doing all morning 1 year ago:
Imagine if it just gets a leak in the head and you don’t realize. Queef/fart from hell afterwards.
- Comment on Oops 1 year ago:
Which one do we get the eyes from?
- Comment on Meat. 1 year ago:
note to self: visit Germany soon
- Comment on Limestone 1 year ago:
These are clearly characters from studio ghibli’s take on Night at the Museum.
- Comment on Limestone 1 year ago:
My guess, kami. Definitely kami.
- Comment on Social acceptability 1 year ago:
Yeah, they 3d scanned my feets. The new insurance pays some, just not sure how much. 200 is the out of pocket.
- Comment on skirting that line 1 year ago:
This is the way. This is the way of light and goodness.
- Comment on Social acceptability 1 year ago:
Dammit, now I gotta start looking for shoulder blade porn, cause that is sexy…
- Comment on Social acceptability 1 year ago:
Up until a few ago I was getting my inserts from a local place, you put them in hot water and then stand on them for a couple minutes until they cool and harden.
Then I got insurance that covered them. The difference it makes is insane. I lost that insurance 2 years ago, and I’ve been alternating the 3 pair trying to get them to last as long as possible. At this point there’s not much left of them, but they’re all I’ve got. It’s 200 bucks for my next set (3 pair), and I’m gonna have to figure that out soon.
- Comment on Social acceptability 1 year ago:
I see a lot of jokes about knee fetish in this thread. I dated a dude with a knee kink. It was disconcerting at first, but being the enlightened, nonjudgmental being I am, I went with it. Wasn’t my thing at all, but honestly, the best word to describe it was inoffensive. He mostly just wanted to rub them, and occasionally get kneed in bed. Very meh experience.
- Comment on Social acceptability 1 year ago:
You’re normal, you’re just not usual. Also foot fetish is, like, the most standard fetish at this point.
Plus which, feet can be sexy as hell.
- Comment on Social acceptability 1 year ago:
I’m both of these people. I like foots. But also, I have terrible foot pain due to high arches, and have had mostly jobs where I’m on my feet for hours. I will talk insoles and inserts whenever possible, as a way of helping people with foot pain. What I do not do is have any interest in talking foot stuff as a kink/fetish. Kink and fetish are reserved for consensual bedroom (or camping) times. There’s no connection between the foot pain convos and the foot kink whenever that happens. People who try to stealth their way into nonconsensually getting people to play into their kink are creepy, and not good people.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Reread what I wrote. Every government functions under an ideology. Governments do not exist in a vacuum, they are a collection of people, and those people have a more or less unified set of ideals on how their society should function. Yes, ideologies exist only in the mind, but governments are a physical manifestations of that mental construct. Even when there is a major disagreement within a government, such as the division in the US currently, it’s still a difference of degrees. No one in the the US government is outside of capitalism, even so-called socialists like Bernie Sanders. The US government functions under the ideology of capitalism. The Cuban government functions under the ideology of socialism. Even if you argue that Cuba isn’t actually socialist, they still function under the ideology of socialism. Governments exist because of those mental constructs.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Every government functions under an ideology. Capitalism is an ideology, democracy is an ideology, socialism, anarchism, liberalism, conservativism, they’re all ideologies. An ideology is just a set of ideals.
- Comment on The superior citation method 1 year ago:
Getting my bachelor’s online, and I just had to use Chicago style for the first time. I’d only used APA before now.
Holy shit did I love it. Erhmhagerd, it was so great.
- Comment on why is "commander in chief" structured like that? 1 year ago:
This would make an excellent recurring story on American dad wherein Jeff is secretly a Superman à la quailman from Doug.
- Comment on Episode I: The Phantom Message 1 year ago:
It Is genuinely good interenetting. Solid 5/7, perfect score.
- Comment on Why does incest result in birth defects? 1 year ago:
It’s 4 in the morning and I’m sick, got them albuterol inhaler shakes, and “soggy bones” made me laugh so hard I went into a coughing fit.
- Comment on Take a look. 1 year ago:
Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord, Big Ass Bug?
- Comment on For context, texas is a state roughly the size of texas 1 year ago:
The size of a corgi? That’s nearly an 8th of a bald eagle. If it’s really the wright of a baby elephant, then that’s at least 200 pistols. That’s hella dense, but i wish they’d use standard measures. I hate having to translate that into American like this.