- Comment on 🪨 Rock on 🪨 4 days ago:
Prob gonna get downvoted but lemmy is so negative. I feel like what gets the most up votes is negativity with no nuance. Like this post is comparing working endlessly on a literally endless grueling task that has no benefit to a job which gives us money to do the things we want to do in life.
Maybe it’s on me for not curating my feed more but the negativity on lemmy is getting old. Does anyone else notice this trend of negativity?
- Comment on Anon tries programming in Java 3 months ago:
Very cool! Thanks for this
- Comment on Anon tries programming in Java 3 months ago:
I have been trying to be more functional but I still use classes for things like loading/modeling configs. What are some common situations where using an object is a good solution?
I use python if that helps at all.
- Comment on Anon is baffled by Mel Gibson's continued career 7 months ago:
Probably “Passion of the Christ”. It was really hard to watch, didn’t make it to the end.
- Comment on Still saying sweet things to each other after all these years... 8 months ago:
Fuck you cunt
- Comment on I miss vegetables 10 months ago:
Make sure you get the yellow one. The rest are kinda meh. Enjoy!!
- Comment on I miss vegetables 10 months ago:…/30113-541555_1-1_1024x1024.png?v=…
I raise you this
- Comment on We have a new status page, including federation status, at! 1 year ago:
Best admin!!! Is the status page open source?