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- Comment on Nicole got a new outfit! 2 days ago:
I had to close the app and reopen it
- Comment on What is your gaming "comfort food" and why? 1 year ago:
I always play a game of Stellaris every few months. The combination of roleplay and grand strategy massages my brain just right to make the happy chemicals.
- Comment on We must all submit to the unseen orb. 1 year ago:
Floats in the silent empty void ☑️ Angrily lashes out with tentacles of destruction ☑️ Surrounded by its dead children ☑️ Imprints itself into your vision when looked at ☑️ Prolonged exposure causes cancerous growths ☑️ Was here long before we came to be and will be here long after we’re gone ☑️ The sun is an eldritch horror confirmed