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- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
No, it’s complaining about how some games are so swingy that even with skill-based matchmaking the game always seems to be a landslide in one direction or the other.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
Overwatch is the worst for this.
Game one: We absolutely steamroll and as tank I do more than both DPS players put together. Yay.
Game two: We get our asses kicked and some Ana who doesn’t know to switch or group up when they’re getting dived spends the whole endgame screaming how awful our tank is.
- Comment on Gar-Type is a free pixelart shooter based on a cosmic horror meme about a lazy, ravenous housecat 1 month ago:
I’ve never heard “I’m sorry Jon” called gorefield before.
- Comment on What are your favourite controllers? 7 months ago:
Honestly the 2nd analog stick I didn’t mind too much because the face-buttons made a decent D-pad for the tiny handful of shooters on the DC. The bigger flaw was the lack of shoulder-buttons.
Also that putting a screen into a controller has always been a solution looking for a problem. It was on the DC, it was on the Wii-U, and there’s a good reason they abandoned the idea to put a screen on the PS4 touchpad controller.
- Comment on UNBEATABLE - Trailer 8 months ago:
The animation and aesthetic is amazing and I like the music but … what’s the gameplay? I confess I got a little disappointed when it shifted to platformer perspective.
- Comment on Stellaris gets a DLC about AI that features AI-created voices, director insists it's 'ethical' and 'we're pretty good at exploring dystopian sci-fi and don't want to end up there ourselves' 9 months ago:
And I don’t make my own paints either when doing art. I still agree with the basic original point:
It is disappointing that we’re currently automating creativity far faster than manual labour. I’m angry that my art is getting automated away faster than my folding of laundry.
- Comment on Stellaris gets a DLC about AI that features AI-created voices, director insists it's 'ethical' and 'we're pretty good at exploring dystopian sci-fi and don't want to end up there ourselves' 9 months ago:
Okay but I still have to fold my own laundry.
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
Yes, many many many years ago. Beyond Earth is the palest of pale imitation.
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
Civ Beyond Earth has the neat approach that it replaces the old “build a spaceship to alpha Centauri” with three different technological endings each with different moral implications. The game is about human transcendence so any ending is going to be about changing humanity.
The problem is that the game itself is not one of the better entries in the Civ series otherwise.
- Comment on Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Will Have a Character Voiced by Text-to-Speech at Launch - IGN 1 year ago:
Trial balloon.
This character is the thin edge of a very large wedge.
- Comment on The death of ownership: Companies are taking away your ability to actually own the stuff you buy 1 year ago:
This is why the digital good I buy the most of is music. MP3s are just dumb files. There’s no subscription fees, no DRM. Nothing but digital watermarks. The “service” is the ability to redownload and stream the songs that I’ve purchased on other devices, but I also store the raw files on my fileserver.
Now, the challenge for the vendor is that I can also just as easily pirate these same files.
And yet somehow I still buy.
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Large Corporate Landlords: There’s a perception that these entities buy up substantial amounts of property, making it difficult for individuals to purchase a home due to increased prices and limited supply.
People keep looking for the bogeyman here but this is one where that’s too facile. Rents in Canada have skyrocketed, and REITs rent out their properties. Sure, they rent them out as expensive as they can, they’re jerks. But they’re profiteering off of the shortage of rental properties. And if they’ve got a crapload of property, and they’re profiting from the shortage… well they’re not really the cause of the shortage when they’re offering a lot to rent, are they? They’re profiteering from it, but they’re not causing it. If there was truly endless money buying up everything and then renting it out, prices to buy would climb, but prices to rent would plummet, and that’s obviously not happening.
You want to look at the cause? Look at people who prevent new housing from getting built. Petty bureaucrats. Wealthy NIMBY neighbours.
And yes, as much as it goes against Canadian values: if you’ve got more immigrants than you’ve got new housing, you’re going to run out of homes, and the people who have homes can price them as high as they want because everybody needs a roof.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Yes but the typical gameclip set up where you have the DS-style setup of the controller at the bottom and the screen at the top is surprisingly uncomfortable because of how top-heavy that is.
Too bad phone makers have given up on experimenting with form factor. Just an endless array of oddly-sized rectangles, but not quite consistent-enough to make gameclips feasible.
Also I’ve hit problems with gamepad+Bluetooth audio giving my game controller bad audio latency. Had to switch to wired audio.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I mean I remember grinding for loot and levels in FF1.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Hey, I liked NES ghostbusters. You got to design your own car, bust ghosts, and worry about your business’ finances. Of course I haven played it in over 30 years so I imagine the rose-colored glasses might be a problem.
- Comment on That's The End Of Activision Blizzard's $120 Million Overwatch League 1 year ago:
Yup. And Overwatch PVE has never been good… I know a lot of players were pumped for it, but we’ve never seen any evidence they had a good plan for how to make it fun. They had lots of zany ideas for powers and RPG elements and whatnot, but all the PVE content for Overwatch released so far has been mediocre-to-bad.
Imho telling the story through PVE has never been a good idea for OW. It’s not a PVE game. Finding some way to tell the story in PVP, even with massive ludonarrative disconnect, would have been better.
- Comment on That's The End Of Activision Blizzard's $120 Million Overwatch League 1 year ago:
I mean I like Jeff but the OW1 eras of pretty bad gameplay and pretty long time waiting fixes happened on his watch. He designed a crazy fun game, but I think his stewardship in making it stay balanced and various and fun once you get good at it was a bit more lacking.
- Comment on That's The End Of Activision Blizzard's $120 Million Overwatch League 1 year ago:
I like Role Queue. Single-tank was poorly thought out, I agree.
Fundamentally, I think OW copied some things from TF2 without understanding how they interact with lower playercounts. They copied TF2’s long rollouts and respawn timers, but didn’t realize that this makes death way too costly in a small-team game. In 5v5 at a good level, a single If they want to drop playercount, they need to find a way to fix that. Imho that’s why so many of their “Arcade” modes play with alternate respawning mechanics, like freezetag or the silly “StarWatch” thing.
Also they wanted big flashy ults without thinking how that interacts with the rest of the game. There’s a reason that most competitive twitch-FPS games don’t have nukes on the serious maps.
Imho, if I were running OW2?
For competitive: 4v4. 1 heal, 2dps, 1 tank. All healers share some kind of special rapid-respawn passive, like they can respawn at the Tank or something. Make up for it by giving more DPS classes off-heal powers like Sombra and Soldier.
Nerf the ults in general. Either slower build or just lower-power. Although if you go slower-build, you need to come up with a sane way to have the charge carry between rounds, which would be tricky to get right.
For casual: 8v8. Double the 4v4. There’s a reason TF2 played 12v12 casually and 6v6 competitively. If you’re farting around trying things out, you don’t want to be the lynchpin of your team.
- Comment on That's The End Of Activision Blizzard's $120 Million Overwatch League 1 year ago:
The problem with self-organizing is you get things like the Smash community, where the worst people imaginable take over the competitive level and then you’ve got a huge reputational problem on your hands.
- Comment on That's The End Of Activision Blizzard's $120 Million Overwatch League 1 year ago:
they needed more heroes from the beginning
Imho, the problem is the reverse. The game had enough heroes, it’s just that too many existing heroes were boring, underpowered, or (if they got sufficient power) game-breaking, and so they were too hesitent to say “this power doesn’t work with our format, we should get rid of it”. Instead it was tweaking numbers. There’s a place for tweaking numbers, but when stuff fundamentally breaks your chosen format (eg. ana antiheal) you have to take a firmer hand. But they let game-breaking powers like Mercy rez ult or just too damned many barriers sit instead of saying “okay, this isn’t working, let’s throw this bad idea out completely”.
- Comment on StarCraft could return, according to Blizzard president, but not necessarily as an RTS 1 year ago:
It’s going to be a mobile game.
- Comment on Games that require you to unlock the basic functions of the game can suck my nuts. 1 year ago:
In ac6 it’s about the inventory and not the gameplay. Before the multiplayer unlocks you simply don’t have enough stuff to go online to fight.
Yes, it would be nice if they had some kind of fixed inventory multiplayer mode, but the main game is about getting stuff and early on you don’t really have enough for a decent fight.
- Comment on Stop using Fandom 1 year ago:
You probably did use it if you’re a nerd under its old name, Wikia, back before it got enshittified.
- Comment on Would you prefer if games had a separate difficulty setting for boss fights? 1 year ago:
To me this seems like solving the wrong problem. Ever since Souls, too many games get obsessed about making their boss encounters challenging but making the main level gameplay just tedious filler. AC6 missions often feel like that. Imho the correct action is to refine the gameplay and figure out your core loop, instead of having massive difficulty spikes.
This is the gameplay equivalent of the “Whisper and Explosion” problem.
- Comment on What game did you find in a bargain bin that turned out to be awesome? For me it was Z by Bitmap Brothers which I got at Zellers for $0.47 1 year ago:
Crack Dot Com’s “Abuse”. Greatest run-and-gun platformer ever.
- Comment on Epic Games Cutting 870 Jobs, 16 Percent Of Its Workforce, also selling Bandcamp 1 year ago:
They also bought 7digital.com this year, which is a site I sometimes buy MP3s from since they have a better selection of mainstream record-label stuff than Bandcamp (no Amazon MP3s here in Canada).
- Comment on Epic Games Cutting 870 Jobs, 16 Percent Of Its Workforce, also selling Bandcamp 1 year ago:
I dunno, company that sells digital content for young people buys company that sells other digital content for young people. I can see the synergy there.
- Submitted 1 year ago to games@lemmy.world | 55 comments
- Comment on Game wikis just aren't as popular anymore? 1 year ago:
Youtube lets creators monetize their content, wikis don’t. Everything is a hustle now.
- Comment on PSA: If you still have a Mojang account for Minecraft: Java Edition, you have less than a week left to migrate to a Microsoft account to avoid profile deletion 1 year ago:
Yes, but in this case? The users are being migrated to a new authentication account and have been notified for many years that they needed to move over - it’s been like 5 years, right? The servers are staying up. And if you’ve got a Mojang account, any possibility of this still being under even the most generous warranty is long gone.
If you want to participate in a community where you control the software, you should be getting into open-source games. Minetest is great! It has a better modding system than Java edition! But ultimately, if you’re playing commercial games, you have to deal with a reality that the company owns it and there’s no guarantee what will happen to their servers after the warranty is expired.
- Comment on PSA: If you still have a Mojang account for Minecraft: Java Edition, you have less than a week left to migrate to a Microsoft account to avoid profile deletion 1 year ago:
Yes it was so much better when it was owned by a Qanon-brain-addled bigot.