- Comment on What are your favorite games for killing nazis? 4 weeks ago:
You didn’t mention what platform but all of the Sniper Elite games are on Gamepass including the literally just released Resistance.
- Comment on Forza Horizon 5 will be coming to PS5. Likely other xbox exclusives will too. 4 weeks ago:
I always thought games should be accessible to everyone.
In a ideal world absolutely, but there’s literally zero chance of Sony reciprocating, as shown by their behaviour during the Bethesda case. Exclusives for me, not for thee.
I’m happy for PlayStation owners but, as someone heavily invested in the Xbox ecosystem since the OG, it feels like a kick in the teeth.
- Comment on Too dumb to understand where the gas tank opening is 1 month ago:
If it doesn’t have an arrow then the correct side is denoted by whether the fuel icon itself has the hose on the left or right.
- Comment on Nom nom 2 months ago:
I had no idea that people struggled with this so much and have come up with such crazy (to me) ways of figuring it out.
Most of the world, if asked to write down numbers 1-100 on a line, would do so left to right. The < and > symbols are arrows pointing left and right. To the left the numbers decrease (less than) and to the right the numbers increase (greater than).
All this stuff about crocodiles and ducks seems like such a bizarre way to remember it!
- Comment on I am about to board a flight. What sequence of events would occur if (by chance) for no apparent reason a window got completely smashed out? 2 months ago:
Pedant, but the pressure difference between 1 atmosphere and zero isn’t all that great, so explosive decompression wouldn’t happen even in the worst case scenario. Rapid yes, explosive no.
To be explosive you need something like the Byford Dolphin diving bell incident, which was 9 atmospheres to 1 in a fraction of a second.
- Comment on Why are $70 AAA games slashing prices so drastically? 2 months ago:
This shit winds me up so much. It used to be that a game would be full price for 6-12 months before moving onto a budget label at a vastly rexuced price.
Nowadays games are full price forever, except for the few days a year when they go on “sale” and get reduced to what they should’ve been all along. During which time the publishers get to act like they’re being altruistic and doing us a massive favour.
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 3 months ago:
I can’t use these things together.
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 3 months ago:
Oh no.
Is down.
- Comment on This made me so angry, enjoy! 4 months ago:
4 dollars
- Comment on Why do I feel sick every time I go out to eat with my gf? 5 months ago:
Yeah, OP didn’t say how long they’d been together but if it’s a new relationship after 3 years of being friends, especially if they’re young and/or there’s been lingering feelings for some time before becoming “official”, then anxiety and nervous excitement is likely to be high!
- Comment on Redirect to prevent back button 5 months ago:
Firefox. I’m fairly convinced it’s something to do with UBO or one of the blocklists but I’ve never taken the time to dig into it properly.
- Comment on Redirect to prevent back button 5 months ago:
You’ve reminded me of a similar frustration that I’ve never found the answer to - though it may be adblock related - in that whenever I open a link to eBay it completely wipes the history for that tab. Or possibly it opens a new tab and kills the parent. Either way I always forget about it until the next time and then it drives me mad all over again.
- Comment on Religious people: The world is ending 5 months ago:
Yeah this. Shortly before he left the church, a friend of mine’s pastor told him not to recycle because it delays the end times. These people want Armageddon and think they’re doing god’s work by hurrying it along.
- Comment on Huw Edwards pleads guilty to making indecent images of children 6 months ago:
According to the Crown Prosecution Service, making indecent images can have a wide definition in the law and can include receiving them via social media.
Edwards’s barrister Philip Evans KC told the court: “There’s no suggestion in this case that Mr Edwards has… in the traditional sense of the word, created any image of any sort.”
I suppose the facts that he a) retained some of the images, b) didn’t report having received them and c) continued talking to the man has some bearing on his charges.
- Comment on DOOM: The Dark Ages | Official Trailer 1 (4K) | Coming 2025 8 months ago:
Yeah honestly Eternal should’ve been a Quake reboot using the new engine rather than a Doom sequel. Everything about it felt like Quake.
- Comment on DOOM: The Dark Ages | Official Trailer 1 (4K) | Coming 2025 8 months ago:
Meh. I was really hoping they’d go back to the sci-fi aesthetic of 2016 but instead they’ve doubled down on the weird high fantasy with guns thing.
It’s like they actually wanted to reboot Heretic/Hexen but they couldn’t get the license for it so they’ve just shoehorned it into Doom instead.
- Comment on Thriving 10 months ago:
Nah na na na na na. Nah na na na na na. How’s your father? Alright.
- Comment on Electric car sales in UK flatline, prompting calls for VAT cut 1 year ago:
I didn’t say you’re wrong, I said you’re not wrong. My point was that it’s easy for us who are already used to home charging to preach about how cheap and easy it is, but it flies over the heads of the average joe who seem to only think about it in terms of the public infrastructure - like petrol stations.
Hence, ignoring or downplaying the price of public charging because, in reality, it’s a rare occurrence to actually need them does nothing to convince non-EV drivers to switch.
That was what I was getting at, but ultimately we’re in agreement. If you’re able to charge at home it’s super cheap and super convenient, but the cost of public charging needs to come down drastically if we’re going to convince ICE drivers to make the switch.
- Comment on Electric car sales in UK flatline, prompting calls for VAT cut 1 year ago:
I mean you’re not wrong but at the same time it’s foolish to write off the cost of public charging as a non-issue. People who are used to having to drive somewhere to fill up with fossil fuels are already wary of charging times and charger availability, so the fact that it currently costs more than petrol is another reason for them to just buy another new combustion car while they’re still available.
We went electric a smidge under 5 years ago and in that time the cost of a rapid charge has more than doubled. If that had happened to petrol or diesel there would’ve been riots in the streets!
It’s a ridiculous state of affairs but nothing’s likely to change while the government is beholden to the oil industry. This is exactly what they want.
- Comment on The Wednesday Whinge - 2nd August 2023 1 year ago:
People talking on their phones like they’re eating a pie, and then trying to slide the contents into their ear, I guess? The analogy broke down, but you get what I’m talking about!
I blame The Apprentice for making the young’uns think that it’s the correct way to use a phone, but at least in the show they were doing it intentionally so that everyone could hear the call. Or perhaps they just think it’s the cool way to use a phone?
Showing my age but it reminds me of the “side talking” meme from the Nokia N-Gage. It was stupid then and it’s even more stupid now.
- Comment on The Wednesday Whinge - 2nd August 2023 1 year ago:
Was the toad OK?