- Comment on Is there any movie you are looking forward to? 5 weeks ago:
I am just an old fart who plays minecraft, so I want to see all the little inside jokes. Fan of Jack Black so that is another reason. And I could use a good funny movie right about now.
- Comment on Is there any movie you are looking forward to? 5 weeks ago:
I am not really sold on this one, as I think they are going to lose what made Tron so special, and it was the effects. They were just mind blowing at the time, and then the effects for Tron Legacy were up there, not as mindblowing, but they seem to have done their homework. They are really going to have to work to keep up the ‘legacy’. The soundtracks for both movies were also spectacular, so another very high bar they will have to get to as well. I will keep an open mind, but am not that optimistic at this point.
- Comment on Is there any movie you are looking forward to? 5 weeks ago:
I guess I am an outlier as I don’t see a single mention of the Minecraft Movie. I really want to see that.
- Comment on GTA VI Might Inspire Other AAA Developers to Price Their Games at $100 5 weeks ago:
I guess the real pisser here was that the online component worked just fine. They made an active decision to just cut off linux players which was a real dick move.
- Comment on GTA VI Might Inspire Other AAA Developers to Price Their Games at $100 5 weeks ago:
I played GTA V online with three of my friends, and had about 900 hours of play. Then one day, bam, they literally cut anyone using Linux off from being able to connect to the servers. It just leaves a real bad taste in my mouth, because I would have probably gone to RDR2 next, and might have even bought RDR on my Switch. Voting with my wallet is all I can do, and at this point it feels like voting for a president. My tiny little vote won’t really amount to much, but hey at least I can feel good about standing on my principals. Like someone else said, they have 30 year backlog of games, and I have similar. So not playing either GTA V online anymore or buying GTA VI won’t really affect me in the long run as far as hindering my enjoyment of other games so there’s that…
- Comment on GTA VI Might Inspire Other AAA Developers to Price Their Games at $100 1 month ago:
if it’s higher than $60,R* can lick my taint.FTFY
- Comment on GTA VI Might Inspire Other AAA Developers to Price Their Games at $100 1 month ago:
Well that’s a ripe take on this. Evidently you don’t know anyone who runs Linux and played GTA V online. Rockstar can fuck right off for what they pulled. Definitely didn’t earn any trust, and Windows users should be wary as well since they did that with no notice and no fucks given to a portion of their paid users.
- Comment on What advice would you give to your younger self? 1 month ago:
I had two giant servers sitting under my desk when bitcoin started up. I was trying to decide whether to put them to work mining bitcoin or using them for seti at home. Well I decided to go with seti. And I am actually complacent with that decision, because had I got into bitcoin I know that I would have some sort of anxiety over when I sold, or what I paid for something like a pizza. I know those people who are searching trash dumps for their old hard drives are just in a weird hell that I am glad I never put myself in that situation.
- Comment on GTA 5 Cheat Codes To Maximize Your Gameplay 1 month ago:
For all the linux and Steam Deck users who used to be able to play GTA Online here’s a cheat code for you: FuckRockstar.
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 3 months ago:
I hunger!
- Comment on Thomas E. Kurtz, a Creator of BASIC Computer Language, Dies at 96 3 months ago:
10 print "R.I.P. ";
20 goto 10 - Comment on How many Nintendo Switches do I need for a family of gamers? 3 months ago:
If you have multiple profiles set up on one switch, before you start a game it will ask you which profile is playing. Any save info for that gaming session will be tied to that profile. Anyone with a Switch can use the physical media with the caveat that only one person can be playing it at a time. Now if you buy the games online, you won’t need the physical media, but the game is tied to the account. As for cost, well it can get expensive and my family usually reserved the large purchases for things like birthdays or christmas. If I had a nickel for every dollar I have spent on gaming systems over the years, I would be able to retire. :)
- Comment on Games to play with my late 40s brothers? 3 months ago:
Going to go out of the shooter box here and say Valheim. I am pretty sure it’s cross compatible with xbox and pc/steam deck. Might not be the thing though if you are just all wanting to pvp, but thought I would throw it out there.
- Comment on Is there as much enthusiasm for Trump online today as eight years ago? 3 months ago:
Yup. I probably shouldn’t ramble as much, but my point was that I am sure all of the “opposite viewpoint than you” people are off in their walled garden asking the same questions. Where that is located, well, you have got me. I wasn’t questioning the legitimacy of his question.
- Comment on Is there as much enthusiasm for Trump online today as eight years ago? 3 months ago:
I am not taking sides with this comment, but you could literally swap names of everything you just posted with (the opposite candidate) and there is someone saying this exact same thing somewhere on the internet. They are most likely sitting there posting about where all the Harris people went and how they moved to a saner platform to avoid toxic people… Everyone needs to remember that there is someone out there with a polar opposite viewpoint as you and it’s just as strong as yours. The internet and social media has made it much easier for everyone to wall themselves off into groups containing people with only their viewpoint. And now all of that has been fed to LLMs. This is going to be an interesting future we are walking into.
- Comment on Microsoft CEO's pay rises 63% to $73m, despite devastating year for layoffs 4 months ago:
Maybe they can come up with some technology that would someday take the position of CEO. Think of the savings…
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
That said, this has always been the case, they’ve just covered their legal bases by updating their TOS.
Can you be a little more specific with your definition of this and always? I am old enough to remember that when you purchased a physical copy of a game, you got the game in it’s entirety in perpetuity. Eg: I still have my Donkey Kong cartridge for my Atari 800. To be a little more current, I have a copy of Kerbal Space Program from the company that I can download the entire copy of the game and install it on my pc. So what do you mean by your comment, as I remember a time when it wasn’t the case that you were only purchasing a license? Or do you mean that it’s always been the case with these services?
I was just had by rockstar when they cut off certain people who paid to play GTA Online and are now blocked. I will be voting with my wallet and never purchasing another rockstar game in the future, and in case they ever happened to see this, I was considering picking up the rdr games not only on pc, but my xbox and maybe even the switch. It has soured me to the point where this steam issue more of a concern and something I will be keeping an eye on.
Also, one last comment about your last line. We don’t need congress to get involved if we as a collective of gamers just gathered together and stopped “licensing” their games. Just like if everyone, instead of complaining about the price of beer and hotdogs at stadiums, would just stop buying them for a while, the people raping our wallets would be forced to bring prices down. But alas, I think the chances of that happening are next to zero.
- Comment on Piece work entry unpaid 4 months ago:
Sure, I guess it all depends what you have laying around. Like if you had a spare monkey that knew how to type. That’s why I said it was just “an” idea. The only thing I would add though is if she needed to type this all in from a machine she doesn’t have admin rights to, then the extra hardware might be the only way. Again, it was just an option…
- Comment on Piece work entry unpaid 4 months ago:
So a raspberry pi, or an arduino board will identify itself as a keyboard if you code it right. She could have all the text loaded and ready to go for the textbox and when it gets to that part, push a button that is hardwired and it can ‘type’ all of the text for her so that the system wouldn’t crap it up as it wouldn’t be ‘pasted’ in. Just an idea for a solution for her.
- Comment on 15 Best Cheesy '80s Sci-Fi Movies, Ranked 6 months ago:
I’m not sure they know what cheesy is.
No shit! Tron wasn’t cheesy, it was groundbreaking.
- Comment on Viagra improves brain blood flow and could help to prevent dementia 8 months ago:
It will also keep you from rolling out of bed at night.
- Comment on 2x2 lumber at Home Depot is now 1.28x1.28. Nominal size is supposed to be 1.5 9 months ago:
You have to escape the quotes…
“2\"x4\"” or use differing quotes ‘2"x4"’
- Comment on Flip to Channel 62: UHF gets 4K release for 35th anniversary 9 months ago:
Probably as unfamiliar as TV Station…
- Comment on Mozilla places Microsoft under fire for using deceptive tricks in Edge 1 year ago:
I feel like I am in some time warp here.
sed ‘s/Internet Explorer/Edge/g’
- Comment on Three million malware-infected smart toothbrushes used in Swiss DDoS attacks 1 year ago:
Right. I had to look twice to make sure this wasn’t an Onion article.
- Comment on Mechanical Watch (2022) 1 year ago:
I went to an Academy store a couple of years ago and on a whim walked up to the watch counter and asked if they had any mechanical watches. The girl behind the counter just tilted her head. So I clarified, a mechanical watch, you know, one you wind up. And she just shook her head again. I then explained to her that it was a watch that you wind up and doesn’t need batteries. She then looked shocked and exclaimed “Wow, that’s so cool. Someone should invent that…” I just stood there in a similar amount of amazement. I then told her that they did, hundreds of years ago. She then said, no we don’t have anything like that. Which I figured was the case from the start.
- Comment on Xbox users call out Activision and Microsoft for "vomit inducing" full-screen Modern Warfare 3 ad 1 year ago:
They are the same people who complain when a news story alerts them to the fact that facebook is collecting their data. They whine about how the govt should do something about this egregious act, and then share that with all their facebook friends.
- Comment on The Morris Worm was released 35 years ago today 1 year ago:
It might be important to note that the internet at the time was not opened to the public when this was done. It doesn’t mention that in the wikipedia article and I think is an important distinction to make.
- Comment on Microsoft buys Activision – what happens to Infocom's text adventures now? 1 year ago:
Can’t wait to pop my original Zork I floppy into my Atari 800 to see it pop up telling me I need to get an Xbox Live ID to play.
- Comment on Suzanne Somers, Star of ‘Three’s Company’ and ‘She’s the Sheriff,’ Dies at 76 1 year ago:
This bot does that quite a bit.