- Comment on I'm literally a thinking lump of fat 2 months ago:
One more series I need to read…
- Comment on I'm literally a thinking lump of fat 2 months ago:
- Comment on I'm literally a thinking lump of fat 2 months ago:
Well yes, it’s the lightning that makes the inscription.
- Comment on I'm literally a thinking lump of fat 2 months ago:
A CPU is just a rock we hit with magic lightning…
- Comment on Danny DeVito is an absolute unit. 4 months ago:
Wr already have the Smoot.
- Comment on Inaccuracies 5 months ago:
0…16 if you add fingertips.
- Comment on I once did a toke at a party and then I died true story 6 months ago:
I once caught gay from a used marijuana needle. Never again. Took a lot of prayer and fasting to make that go away. Ban it. Ban it all!
(/s, of course. Shouldn’t be necessary but this is the internet…)
- Comment on Real 7 months ago:
It’s the lead lining.
- Comment on It's painful to not be able to see everything at once. 7 months ago:
I’m on Ubuntu because work too. I really hope nobody gets the idea to do really silly things like enforce Gnome or something. Wouldn’t put it past them.
- Comment on It's painful to not be able to see everything at once. 7 months ago:
Sway on Arch master race?
- Comment on Style + Ease 8 months ago:
The deep sea has always been the home of nightmare fuel. Not outer space.
- Comment on Marvel vs Capcom collection brings a fighting game GOAT, plus six more arcade classics, to PC with rollback netcode 8 months ago:
There have been a few of these. Like the TMNT collection. Does anybody know if this is arcade emulation plus the original games, or did they also do other work?
- Comment on acceptable screws 10 months ago:
Come to Canada, most of our existing stuff is robertson, and only the really cheap new stuff isn’t.
- Comment on Handy temperature conversion scale. 11 months ago:
I like to measure the area of rooms in foot-metres. Square foot-metres is a great unit for volume.
Today I unironically described the length of something as “about 1 centimetre less than a foot”.
- Comment on I'm deaf 11 months ago:
I think the Amiga boing ball looks like that ball.
- Comment on Nic Cage through the years 1 year ago:
A movie where two characters traded faces. One a crimelord of some sort, another an FBI dude or somesuch.