- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 1 week ago:
Besides all the good advice in the thread, about condoms:
He should be somewhat comfortable with putting on condoms, he has to train that before it becomes necessary. There are plenty of videos explaining it, let him find them and check them out on his own terms. Let him know not every brand fits every man. He will need to overcome the awkwardness of buying them in drug stores or supermarkets, if he finds it awkward at all, he has to get over himself and do it. A possible motivation could be that if girls can buy their period products, he can buy his dick wraps.
I find it very commendable that you think about this problem!
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
It’s basic state theory, I believe we had that in middle school, along with the division of power. I mentioned the US exception because if you went to school there, your basic state theory might have been different from mine.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
The monopoly on the use of force is quite the important part of having a state at all. If a state doesn’t have that, it descends into anarchy (the bad kind, with warlords and gangs). The US is very exceptional in this case as it has in its constitution the provision that such gangs (militia) are allowed, even desirable.
- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 2 months ago:
Is this not fairly likely in the US with Mexican Spanish or/and Canadian/Cajun French?
- Comment on Why do I fart all the time when I'm trying to sleep?! 3 months ago:
Walking will help sort your guts out as well, so by going for a late walk, you can take the problem to the outside!
Otherwise it’s probably just a question of your gut biome having a lot of gas producing parts.
- Comment on onion 8 months ago:
Und jetzt alle! “Ich hab ne Zwiebel aufm Kopp, ich bin ein Döner 🎺”
Oder vielleicht lieber doch nicht, wenn ich so drüber nachdenke.
- Comment on Lots of times the restaurants won't even have milk 9 months ago:
That’s great news! Occasionally I browse the NA beers and last week I thought how great it would be to be able to drink a Guinness! Maybe it arrives here sometime.
- Comment on Even this post is propaganda. 10 months ago:
That’s exactly how they get you, by telling you everybody is influenced (and stupid) but you and them, the smart people.
- Comment on It's more interesting when self-directed 11 months ago:
Yeah, there is, not by chance, a “story” in “history”. It needs to be told, by somebody who knows how to do that. Learning facts from old books, the studying, is one part, weaving them into a whole, the telling, the other.
- Comment on A handy reference 11 months ago:
I would in principle agree with you, however not about English, mainly because it is now a language of international discourse of any kind, and it thus no longer belongs to the local speakers.
It now has a role Latin had until just a few centuries ago, and extrapolating a bit into the future from that example, will remain quite stable while your dialect, American, Australian, Indian, Jamaican, will change until it becomes another language entirely, no longer mutually intelligible with the other dialects.
If you want to participate in the international dialog however, you will have to learn International, which is now English including the differentiation of the theiy’res, even if your native language is English. Your grand-grandchildren may have to learn English like an Italian in 1800 had to learn Latin if he wanted to join the international discourse.
It’s super interesting to watch this process unfold right now!
- Comment on German train drivers' union votes for 'unlimited' strikes 1 year ago:
Not 100% sure if you’ve understood, they should indeed do that, and it’s part of the “system” here. They should however also do that in solidarity with their less-exposed, more vulnerable coworkers, and not have a multitude of unions.
- Comment on German train drivers' union votes for 'unlimited' strikes 1 year ago:
What annoys me is that there are two unions that would strike in turn and grind everything to a halt, the drivers and the service personnels union.