- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 10 hours ago:
That isn’t what I mean by cardboard. Persuasive, research, argumentative essays have been taught to be written the way tou described. They are meant to be that way. But even then, the essays I have read and graded still have this cardboard feel. I have read plenty of research essays where you can feel the emotion, you can surmise the position and most of all passion of the author. This passion and the delicate picking of words and phrases are not there. It is “averaged”.
- Comment on 'vegetative electron microscopy' 1 day ago:
I can confirm that a lot of student’s writing have become “averaged” and it seems to have gotten worse this semester. I am not talking about students who clearly used an AI tool, but just by proximity or osmosis writing feels “cardboardy”. Devoid of passions or human mistakes.
- Comment on Cathy, do the math. 1 week ago:
Didn’t Nina Turner turn to the grift or am i thinking of someone else?
- Comment on The Periodic Table according to astronomers 1 month ago:
Metallic or solid? Those are two different things, and depending on the answer, i will be going down a knowledge rabbit hole
- Comment on Steam Winter Sale 2024 Has Begun! 3 months ago:
Can anyone recommend games similar to Deep Space Cache?
- Comment on Anon compares himself to his brother 1 year ago:
Linguistically and culturally, bitch has been integrated into the English vernacular and the connotation isn’t as misogynstic anymore. Stemfag though? You hear someone pull that one out then thst raises alarms.
Plus, if this is the internal process of someone then I wouldn’t be surprised it bleeds into their every day life, with or without them knowing.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 has won Steam's 2023 GOTY Award 1 year ago:
Starfield for most innovative gameplsy? Am I missing something or do people on Steam ride that Bethesda cock hard?
- Comment on Coincidence?! 1 year ago:
For those curious, they have it (or at least parts of it) on display in the facility you can see.
- Comment on Microplastic overdose 1 year ago:
You may be remembering Radiohead a bit differently than the rest of us.
- Comment on Unions seek gains in hostile territory: ‘If you change the South, you change America’ 1 year ago:
You say it isn’t a war while the poor and working people get “gunned down” every turn and corner. We are getting fucked.
Your rhetoric isn’t helpful. All you are doing is seeding distrust and division. Unions have always been a net positive. Even if these unions did what you said (only care about senior members) it’s still better being in a union than not. A great way to refute your claims is to point to all the companies who union bust, oh, and also say the same things you do! What a coincidence.
- Comment on Absolutely nothing of note happened in China in June 1989, right? 1 year ago:
Taiwan numba 1
- Comment on Sweet tea 1 year ago:
Reposts aren’t just because of karma whoring. It can be a crosspost or someone saw it and just thought it was funny and wanted to share it to a community they liked.
You may also be one of the first 10,000 today too.