reddit: nico_is_not_a_god pokemon romhacks: Dio Vento
- Comment on Nintendo Responds to Leaks: "Not Official" 1 month ago:
Tell that to the Gamecube and Wii U eras. Funny that those are also all-time peaks for game quality, Nintendo is better at making video games when they’re struggling.
- Comment on Bioshock creator Ken Levine discusses the future of narratives in games 1 month ago:
There’s also just grammatical stuff that looks better in text. “In the future, it’s player driven” would conversationally flow perfectly well, but as written text the tense of “it’s” doesn’t line up with the statement being about the future. Hence the present tense being corrected to future tense.
- Comment on $250 Analogue 3D will play all your N64 cartridges in 4K early next year 4 months ago:
Native 4k output instead of a crappy upscaler or a RetroTink which costs more alone than this Analogue product. N64’s native composite is laggy and hideous on a flatscreen TV, you need something like this or a retrotink or a CRT to make the games look good. Even if the Analogue couldn’t play ROMs off an SD card (it can, if Analogue’s previous products are any indication), you could just stick a Summercart in it.
- Comment on Rivals of Aether II | Official Release Date Trailer (October 23) 5 months ago:
Work required for ROA1 level of “workshop characters” is exponentially higher in the new art style and engine. When/if this game gets Steam Workshop, it’ll probably end up with more “tweaked/cloned” characters than totally new wacky MUGEN stuff like ROA1.
- Comment on Shitpost 9 months ago:
Well, there’s an oddly existential argument to be made that “funny” AI answers like this or adding a pot of Elmer’s Glue to pizza sauce to get the cheese to stick are valued. Simply because those are the posts I’ve seen from Google AI, and I’ve never touched the feature myself.
By letting a language “speaker” learn from Reddit and forums, we created an approximation of “that guy who thinks he’s a comedian” because that guy is always there and always drowns in upvotes. Clearly, he’s a valuable part of the discourse!
- Comment on My solo project roguelike tower defense game is having a free prologue 10 months ago:
Reminds me of Heretic’s Fork.
- Comment on Hades II - Sign Up for the HADES II Technical Test 10 months ago:
Yeah, waiting on Hades 1’s full release was easy since it was EGS exclusive for the entire early access phase. This one’s gonna be harder to dodge until it’s done.
- Comment on 'The gold rush is over:' Slay the Spire and Darkest Dungeon devs say that big Game Pass and Epic exclusive deals have dried up for indie devs 11 months ago:
Or the EGS phase was just glorified beta access like Hades.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 'Isn't Going to be on Game Pass', Insists Larian Boss 1 year ago:
Pirate it. There’s no DRM. Buy it if you like it.
- Comment on OLED is nice and all, but the upgrade I really want is this. 1 year ago:
Returnal supports dualsense advanced features, you just have to plug the controller into the PC and disable steam input.
- Comment on Bonus XP, early Black Friday discounts, and new weapons to test! 1 year ago:
Pof for $7.50 is utterly absurd.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Most “retro” games have been backed up but the definition of retro shifts all the time. You don’t even need to go that far forward: the PS3 and X360 have a ton of missing stuff - games yes but especially DLCs and update versions.
The pre-online era was “easier” - find each revision of a Donkey Kong Country cart and your job’s done. Now, every game has 12 versions and casual pirates that “just want to play the game” only bother sharing the oldest and newest ones. There’s content locked behind promotions and account bonuses. There’s patches that alter or remove content (or patch important speedrun tech out of games). And the presence of online in otherwise single-player games is always going to be something inherently opposing preservation of the original experience - you’re not going to ever get the same experience playing Wind Waker HD with Tingle bottles that I did because either the feature is dead or it’s been reimplemented through something like Pretendo. And with a reimplementation, the source for the community posts is no longer casual fans taking selfies with bosses but instead comprised exclusively of tech savvy users who bothered to install a fake Miiverse on their hacked Wii U / emulator.
- Comment on Only You Can Prevent The Game Awards Hype Cycle - Aftermath 1 year ago:
Wasn’t last year’s TGA the one where having the tab open in the background entered you into a drawing for a Steam Deck?
- Comment on I Wanna Maker has released on Steam 1 year ago:
It’s a maker game, so there’s no reason to believe you can’t make easy levels.
- Comment on Xbox's new policy — say goodbye to unofficial accessories from November thanks to error '0x82d60002' 1 year ago:
So use a tool like this for call of duty multiplayer lobbies, not globally. Who cares if people “cheat” in single player games?
- Comment on Epic Games to update Unreal Engine pricing for devs not making games 1 year ago:
Their plan for when Fortnite stopped pulling in money was for their Epic Games Store (that they propped up by paying devs lump sums just to not launch their games on Steam) to actually make Steam levels of money because surely exclusives and freebies will make people spend money on their store. Turns out there’s a lot of people that will never spend a dime on EGS, either because they won’t install it or only use it for the free games.
So all that Fortnite money they used to pay devs to not release their games on Steam ended up being a failed investment, and they’ve had to change their incentives from “we’ll give you a huge lump sum that’s about equal to what you’d have made with a successful Steam launch” to “well we’ll give you a better revenue split if you launch exclusively on our store that guarantees you get 10% of sales volume compared to Steam”. Turns out 60% of 1m sales is better than 80% of 100k sales.
- Comment on Diablo® IV is coming to Steam 1 year ago:
People would have to buy and refund this one to bomb it, versus overwatch which was f2p. It’ll probably settle at “mixed” or “mostly positive” until blizzard does something to try to squeeze more purchases out of the playerbase again.
- Comment on Imagine Equipment Templates had slots for all equippable weapons ... 1 year ago:
If you’d need to open a menu and fiddle with the UI to switch from axe/axe to sword/axe on soulbeast, that saves nothing over the current situation where you open the inventory menu and fiddle with the UI to swap weapons.
- Comment on New bug: if ONE guy in a squad is blocked by you, you don't see the entire squad 1 year ago:
Hah. That’s pretty bad.
That was already how it worked if you had the commander blocked, you would still be able to see and join the squads of commanders that blocked you but not people you chose to block. Backwards-ass functionality. Hopefully if they fix this bug they also let a commander’s block list prevent people from /sqjoining or clicking in from LFG.
- Comment on Updrafts and spirals are back on the menu! 1 year ago:
Now we just need a way to toggle (or hold a key to disable / enable) the ley-line mastery
- Comment on Unity Claims PlayStation, Xbox & Nintendo Will Pay Its New Runtime Fee On Behalf Of Devs 1 year ago:
Unity would like that though.
- Comment on Some quick maths on the wizards vault and some concerns about the IG-Economy 1 year ago:
I am also concerned, because the game giving raw gold for low-effort (or zero-effort) farming is uncharted territory. Previously, it’d give value in laurels (t6/t3 materials) and mystic coins - when a player wanted to turn those into anything other than stuff directly crafted with those materials, they’d need to permanently remove gold from the game by using the TP. The only sources for meaningful chunks of raw gold (not valuable materials) have always been tied to time gated content like metas and instanced content, and it’s almost certainly how this 10 year old game has avoided inflation issues.
There’s a third type of login farmer between the “get 5aa” and “do weeklies” ones - the one who does the stuff that doesn’t require leaving a menu, like salvaging 10 items, identifying gear, AFKing in the daily activity, viewing a Vista, or some of the combat ones that can be done without leaving lion’s arch like breaking a bar (training golem).
- Comment on Google, Netflix, Apple and Amazon are the "barbarians at the gate" of the games industry, says ex-Sony boss 1 year ago:
Amazon already tried, with a Twitch branded game launcher and included game licenses for that platform in Amazon Prime.
- Comment on Starfield players pirate the DLSS mod after the developer locks it behind paywall 1 year ago:
You’re arguing about visual fidelity with someone who uses their TV to “turn 24hz movies to 120fps”. It’s the equivalent of the guy who got into a heated debate over Italian food with a Redditor that also posted about drinking his own piss on /r/piss.
- Comment on Weaker subscription deals have hit indie publishers, says analyst | GamesIndustry.biz 1 year ago:
The win comes later once gamepass gets netflix’d. It’ll only go on like this for so long before there’s UbiPass and EAccess and Sony Prime and so on and so forth. Then a few years after that, when the services finally get pushed back against and die, everyone who just kept buying games on steam/gog/itch/whatever (or pirating) just keeps on not paying sub fees. Like nothing ever happened.
- Comment on I am LOVING Baldurs Gate 3 1 year ago:
They did detailed, stylistic, expressive animations for ANIMAL BODY LANGUAGE. and yes, you can talk to random rats and squirrels.
- Comment on I am LOVING Baldurs Gate 3 1 year ago:
- Comment on I am LOVING Baldurs Gate 3 1 year ago:
If you pick up container items like satchels and backpacks, you can use them as nesting storage in your inventory (perfect for all the letters and notes you pick up for example). But you can’t name the container, it’s just “pouch”
- Comment on SotO release @ 16:00 UTC 1 year ago:
Oh baby I forgot we weren’t on reddit for a second. Got a source for the leaks?
- Comment on GW2 2Q 2023 Earnings 1 year ago:
First day is all that matters for a pre-order number. Anyone else is either gonna wait for launch or like a day before launch.