- Comment on Windows users don't want copilot on their taskbar 10 months ago:
Have Windows users ever wanted a single thing they added since XP?
The new terminal for example is a rather neat improvement over the old command prompt, especially with the integration of Linux systems. Winget also is rather nice.
- Comment on Windows users don't want copilot on their taskbar 11 months ago:
As long as it’s a easily toogled off as the search bar is, I don’t mind.
Them getting rid of the ability to have different windows of the same kind with full title bar next to each other IMHO is a much bigger pain.
- Comment on I'm locked out of my 6 year old Chipotle account because they now say my email address is invalid when I login. Here is me asking for their help: 1 year ago:
Oh for sure. But my gmail address is pretty much a burner address for sites I don’t want to provide my regular one. So nothing big to loose there.
- Comment on I'm locked out of my 6 year old Chipotle account because they now say my email address is invalid when I login. Here is me asking for their help: 1 year ago:
This is not a bug. This is by design.
I’d say it’s a bug in the design as it clearly fails to work with a completely fine email.
- Comment on I'm locked out of my 6 year old Chipotle account because they now say my email address is invalid when I login. Here is me asking for their help: 1 year ago:
I like to use the Gmail feature where you can add +randomstring to your email and it still gets to the regular email to sign up to random sites. But this way you can identify and block spam if that email get’s compromised. Technically this Google catch all feature also isn’t following the email standard but at least it’s useful.
- Comment on I'm locked out of my 6 year old Chipotle account because they now say my email address is invalid when I login. Here is me asking for their help: 1 year ago:
Nah, it’s just a old school chat bot following a predefined flow chart. And in this flowchart someone implemented an improper email check.
It’s pretty much the same as if there was just a website with an email field which then complains about a non valid email which in fact is very valid. And this is pretty common, the official email definition isn’t even properly followed by most mail providers (long video but pretty funny and interesting if you’re interested in the topic).
- Comment on it always interesting when multi billion dollar company's costing system is a 63 tab excel 97 spreadsheet at it's core... 1 year ago:
Why would you tell your employees how much they make, it will only inflate payroll by ~20%.
GOOOOD! As it should be. Dear god, you just wrote out in public that you aren’t properly paying long term employees their fair share.
If you can’t compete with paying fair wages to all employees then you should go under!
- Comment on it always interesting when multi billion dollar company's costing system is a 63 tab excel 97 spreadsheet at it's core... 1 year ago:
And that’s exactly why wages should be transparent. So people can make an informed decision if they are valued enough at the company or if they should go somewhere else.
- Comment on it always interesting when multi billion dollar company's costing system is a 63 tab excel 97 spreadsheet at it's core... 1 year ago:
Access has the benefit that it allows you to build a front end and can have a relational database on the back end. You also can use real databases such as SQL. So it’s definitely better in that regard than Excel.
But of course it also has it’s limits in terms of speed and efficiency. I’ve definitely seen Access solutions which should have ported to a proper one years ago.
- Comment on She broke it so she could baguette properly.... 1 year ago:
A lot of people here go shopping by car for a whole week as well and we also have people living in areas where the next shopping isn’t in walking distance. And it still works just fine. It’s really easy because of course you don’t have to stand in front of the checkout the whole time but can already bag stuff. As long as you can bag your groceries as fast as they are being scanned it’s really no big problem. And if you’re a 90 year old granny who isn’t as fast, they still can bag their groceries while the next costumer is being processed since the packaging area is usually divided into two sections.
I’m really sorry, but the US didn’t invent some special kind of super grocery shopping which no other country can understand. You just like the convenience of not bagging your stuff yourself. It’s really not some top secret technique to make shopping 150% more efficient or something.
- Comment on She broke it so she could baguette properly.... 1 year ago:
And yet somehow this isn’t a problem at all in countries where we don’t have people bagging our groceries. Checkouts very rarely have any downtime where we need to wait on people to finish bagging. Even with old people.
- Comment on StarCraft could return, according to Blizzard president, but not necessarily as an RTS 1 year ago:
But then… why does this system exist?!
Because it works and makes them money! You can bet that other publishers will take notice and you’ll see such money grabbing schemes becoming more and more common.
- Comment on Military Time vs 24hr? 1 year ago:
For the people where 24h time is normal …. Is that a more recent development it’s the ubiquity of digital clocks, or would people have also used 24h time with analog clocks, despite them not having a way to display that?
I’ve been born in central Europe in the 80’s before digital clocks became the norm. 24h was normal even then when writing the precise time. For example in TV schedules. When talking we normally use 12h but without adding AM or PM as it most often is obvious from the context. When it’s not then we add “in the morning” “at night”. Actually speaking time in a 24h format is very rare.
- Comment on Martin Scorsese urges filmmakers to fight comic book movie culture: ‘We’ve got to save cinema’ 1 year ago:
Taking what Marty is saying and putting it another way - major studio content is not driven by a director’s creative vision in the current environment, but by producers… the suits and their market research.
I’m by no means an expert but was that ever different? Making movies always was very expensive, so the people in charge obviously had to have money and then try to use that to make more money. That alone leads to rather conservative decisions regarding which movies should be produced and which shouldn’t. Artistic merit isn’t something I believe ever had much sway in Hollywood unless some directors actually used their previous success to bully the rich cats in charge to trust them or outright finance the movie themself. And that I guess is rather rare. I think the only thing really different today, is that market research today is way more advanced than it was in the 60’s or 70’s.
- Comment on The Minecraft wiki has been moved from Fandom to 1 year ago:
While I agree that it’s rather sad for developer not hosting their Wiki, I really never had any problem with the old hoster of the Minecraft Wiki. I certainly didn’t perceive it as a “crappy provider”. It did exactly what it needed to and there weren’t any intrusive adds or at least not to my attention. But maybe I’m just really good at ignoring adds myself.
- Comment on Unity adding a fee for devs for each time a game is installed, after certain thresholds 1 year ago:
I can’t imagine that it is.
If that’s the case then they could simply up the charge next year to $10 to get even more money for doing absolutely nothing. And then to $20 the next year and so forth. There’s no sane court anywhere in the world who would say “Yeah, that sounds reasonable!”.