- Comment on Over 20M 'people' listed as 100+ years old in the SS database? 1 month ago:
Or… You know fix our broken social security system that is used as identification. But sure, enabling an unelected Nazi supporting lunatic to strip our government down as he sees fit is an option that makes sense if you’re an uninformed asshole.
- Comment on Paris Hilton, Billy Crystal Among Celebrities Who Lost Homes In Los Angeles Wildfires 2 months ago:
I don’t have anything positive to say about Paris, but that sex tape is a really sad story. The guy who released it sounds like a real piece of shit.
- Comment on Why does the snow melt in this pattern? 4 months ago:
Wow, a lot people knew the answer. You even managed to find an image.
Mind blown.
Thanks everyone!
- Submitted 4 months ago to [deleted] | 17 comments
- Comment on What the fuck happened to YouTube!? 7 months ago:
The internet with a proper ad blocker is a game changer. Take the five minutes to figure it out. You’ll save more as free time than that on your first day.
Ironically, you could also YouTube how to install Firefox, then unlock.
- Comment on NOAA sending a message. 7 months ago:
Looks like that storm is going to fuck up that coast
- Comment on why ever come before 5 then today 8 months ago:
There’s an old sex joke that fits. Something along the lines of the stages of a person’s life:
An old man An old married couple Newly Weds A teenager
- Comment on How do Texas residents afford electricity? 8 months ago:
Not correct.
I have coworkers in Texas that got hit with multi thousand dollar bills during brown outs.
Deregulating critical services never ends well for the consumer.
- Comment on I wonder if they're hiring? 9 months ago:
I know they’re hiring… but when?
- Comment on What do I need to trouble shoot second hand desktop computer? And how? 10 months ago:
My guess would be the PSU as well. It could be dead, or not plugged in right, or underpowered. Pulling out the GPU is a great idea. At least if it boots that provides some direction.
- Comment on Why are SMS messages so expensive? 11 months ago:
Messages went from $.05, to $.10, to $.20 to send and receive. That was in the span of three years. All of the companies said it wasn’t collision. They just happened to arrive upon massive increases separately.
If I recall, one of the CEOs said “We’re raising the prices to save customers money. This way they’ll be an unlimited plan”
The telcos should have been broken up then. Instead we’ve seen even more mergers.
- Comment on fossil fuels 11 months ago:
The argument is that corporations do what they want, often not because we want to buy their stuff, but because:
- we don’t have a choice
- they hide what they’re doing through propaganda, lies, obfuscation, etc. so we don’t know about it
- powerful lobbying
Here’s some examples:
- Cigarette companies spent decades convincing people their product was harmless and Even good for you. The oil industry has been covering up climate change the same way.
- Trains are rarely an option in the US, because of subsidies to planes, roads, etc. Car companies pushed hard to actually remove public transportation.
- Don’t like your ISP? Too bad, you probably don’t have another choice
- Look at the PG&E story and how they contaminated drinking water, then just lied about it while people died. You don’t really have a choice about who supplies electricity to your city.
Yes, you could choose to live off of the grid and walk everywhere and grow your own crops, but that’s hardly a choice. And it doesn’t have to be that way. Shitty people at the top of these companies make ungodly money by screwing everyone else over anyway they can, regardless of the cost to humanity. That is the point.
- Comment on The Sega Dreamcast 11 months ago:
I didn’t count handhelds. Seems like a different-ish market. Interestingly, I thought the game gear was way better than original game boy… Except it absolutely ate batteries.
I’ve never heard of the N64 DD. The 90’s had so many weird consoles.
- Comment on The Sega Dreamcast 11 months ago:
Dreamcast was solid. Decent games. Sega just had their collective heads up their assess. No one had confidence in their consoles. Genesis was a surprise smash hit…then Sega just spewed out consoles; 32x, Sega CD, mega drive, Saturn… Probably more. In that same time span Nintendo released…N64.
No one wants to buy a console that is outdated in a year or two. That game library is tiny and none of your friends have it.
Build a winner, milk it. Release another winner right as the previous one is winding down. Nintendo has mastered that formula.
- Comment on tremendous 11 months ago:
The crazy thing is that you don’t need to cherry pick quotes or take them out of context to make him look like an idiot.
Listen to pretty much any interview or speech and he says something that is clearly idiotic, evil, or a blatant lie. Most likely all three… Repeatedly.
I get that Fox News is a hell of a drug, but just hearing this dipshit speak should shatter the illusion. The unwavering support is mind boggling.
- Comment on legs to die for 1 year ago:
Creepy. And I learned something. Reminds me of another comic strip that cracked me up. The gist:
God said to the insects “you may each pick three traits.” The millipede said, “I want legs!” The centipede agreed. God nodded. “And for your second trait?” The millipede smiled brightly and said “More legs!” The centipede request the same. God asked for their final request. “More legs!” The millipede shouted smiling even brighter The centipede gave a sinister grin and growled. “Teeth.”
- Comment on Asking a girl out for comic book store date? 1 year ago:
Nah. I’ve heard plenty of horror stories from women. None of which were about comic guys. I’ve had coworkers that were painful to be around. So that wasn’t really the assumption.
… That said I’m pretty sure I’ve read about conventions and ccg tournaments where they had to start making rules because hygiene was so bad.
Either way, best to cover your bases.
- Comment on Asking a girl out for comic book store date? 1 year ago:
The hardest part of meeting girls is talking to them. It takes guts to put yourself out there and resilience to handle the rejection if it doesn’t go the way you want.
Ask her out. A public option is good. Something she likes. Comics are a good start if that’s her thing.
If she says ‘yes’. On your date:
- Be very hygienic (shower, clean clothes, brushed teeth, gum)
- Ask courteous questions and listen. I have yet to meet someone that doesn’t enjoy talking about themselves (yes, I know they exist). This also makes your end of the conversation easier. Favorite music, food, places to visit, hobbies, etc.
- Have a next place in mind if things are going well, but the comic shop has gotten stale (coffee, dinner, a walk somewhere well lit, etc.). Be open to her suggestions.
If she says ‘No,’ be respectful, and try not to take it to hard. It wasn’t meant to be. Take pride knowing you had the guts to try.
Good luck. Be brave. Be respectful.
- Comment on Steve Ballmer is set to make $1 billion a year for doing nothing | CNN Business 1 year ago:
Assuming $100k salary per employee, the money Balmer didn’t need could have saved ten thousand jobs. That’s a disgusting amount of wealth. No sane person hordes that much money.
- Comment on A Story 1 year ago:
He’s a pretty good dude. At his new gig, he actually could make a lot more, but chose to split pay evenly across his whole team of hand picked devs.
- Comment on A Story 1 year ago:
I had a friend/coworker that was a top five most valuable employee in a software company of 500 and didn’t seem to realize it. They called him in for every critical project, to bail out failing projects, and to help with hiring. He was client facing, technical, and co-workers followed his every word.
As middle management, I knew he made a lot less than me and others in his position. I told him it was ridiculous. He finally asked for a raise and they offered something paltry, saying it was the best they could do. My friend finally quit. Suddenly the company can easily match a 60% pay raise. Too late.
I know first hand there loss cost the company millions. I followed suit not much later and frabbed a nice 30% raise. All of my clients have since abandoned the company. They’re down to less than 200 employees last I heard and fuck all for revenue.
Get paid what you’re worth.
- Comment on Unions work. 1 year ago:
Roughly the price of 1/2 a beer.
- Comment on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Booster Course Pass Wave 6 - Course Overview 1 year ago:
You can play the original courses, but not the booster courses. Once you quit the game and lose your internet, no more dlc.
I suppose if you don’t change games you might be fine. But it feels like a low blow on a system marketed for it’s portability.
- Comment on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Booster Course Pass Wave 6 - Course Overview 1 year ago:
If I put it in airplane mode, voila: (sorry for the crummy phone capture). You can still play the default courses, but this is complete bullshit.
- Comment on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Booster Course Pass Wave 6 - Course Overview 1 year ago:
I definitely could not access them without Internet. This was after they had been downloaded and played. The error even said as much. Maybe they’ve changed that since? Hopefully…
- Comment on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Booster Course Pass Wave 6 - Course Overview 1 year ago:
My only complaint (other than I’ve always hated when they recycle maps from previous games) is that you need Internet connectivity to play these. That completely defeats the whole point of the Switch.
- Comment on Chevy Chase Bashes ‘Community’: “The Show Wasn’t Funny Enough” 1 year ago:
More like streets behind.
- Comment on How is woke a religion? 1 year ago:
That makes more sense.
I know the real idea behind it. I just never liked it being summarized as defund. It’s more like restructure. Personally, I would be much more aggressive with an overall. It’s rotten top to bottom.
- Comment on How is woke a religion? 1 year ago:
Ugh, “defund the police” is a terrible phrase if you actually want the movement to succeed. I wish they would have gone with something along the lines of “police reform”. Immediately every conservative glommed onto “now they want to abolish all police!”
We do need a massive overhaul to police. Unfortunately that means better marketing of the idea of it’s going to happen.
- Comment on Watch: Billionaire CEO says unemployment 'has to jump' to put 'arrogant' workers in their place 1 year ago:
I would argue that “these working professionals” are not paid accordingly. If you’re expecting more of them, pay more. Top talent tends to go where the money is.
If you’re wondering where the money should come from, see: out of touch billionaires.