- Comment on Why are laptop adapters so much larger than phone adapters of same power rating? 4 months ago:
Volts are not a unit of power. Watts are a unit of power.
- Comment on Which adjective should come first, modular or versatile? 4 months ago:
Although there is a common adjective order, it’s not always clear which category a word belongs in. People insisting that the words “modular” and “versitile” fit into whatever category they chose are presenting a lot more certainty than is warranted. I am a native speaker, and either order sounds fine in this case.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
No person is advantaged by having their vote go toward a candidate they didn’t vote for.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
This person knows just enough to sound credible and still get it wrong. He says that the electoral college requires states to allocate all delegates to the popular vote winner in each state, which is not true. States can allocate delegates however they want, and at least two states allocate proportionally to how hiw their populace voted.
This is a critical difference, because eliminating a mismatch between the electoral college and national popular vote doesn’t require eliminating the college. Eliminating the college requires a constitutional amendment, which is difficult to achieve. The National Popular Vote Compact requires nearly as much effort, and it’s incredibly fragile, because as soon as a few states allocate all of their electors to a candidate who lost in that state, they’ll pull out and the while thing will crumble.
The solution is for states to allocate delegates proportionally. That is in the best interest of each state, so it’s not fragile. It can be accomplished one state at a time, so it’s logistically easier. It doesn’t require huge buy in to work, just a handful of states, so it’s easier to achieve and more stable. Every mismatch better the electoral college amd national popular vote in US history would not have occurred if states allocated delegates proportionally, so it solves the problem. People should start recognizing the real problem, so that we can work on a real solution.
- Comment on Creating a Lemmy assignment for college level comp course 5 months ago:
If I were to create an assignment, I would make a learning goal the purpose. Learning critical thinking is a good goal, but I wouldn’t peg it to Lemmy. If the point is thinking critically about social media sites, then you could offer suggestions of places to look, including Lemmy.
- Comment on When and why did democrats begin supporting fracking? 5 months ago:
I have no evidence of her motives. Campaign donations are public record, and she receives funding from oil companies. The idea that politicians are not swayed by finance is absurdly naive. And, regardless whether convincing swing voters is a part of the campaign’s consideration, it should be clear that influence from corporations is not am influence. Then we could sit here an take them at their word. As it is, it’s impossible to think that millions of dollars from oil companies is not affecting the decision to make a complete u turn on supporting fracking.
- Comment on When and why did democrats begin supporting fracking? 5 months ago:
Not according to the US supreme court.
- Comment on When and why did democrats begin supporting fracking? 5 months ago:
It corporations weren’t given the same rights as people, then we wouldn’t need to wonder what politicians’ real motives were.
- Comment on When and why did democrats begin supporting fracking? 5 months ago:
That does sound better doesn’t it? If I were a presidential candidate, I would definitely say “We support fracking because we need Pennsylvania” instead of “We support fracking because our campaign has accepted millions of dollars from the oil industry”.
- Comment on When and why did democrats begin supporting fracking? 5 months ago:
Without evidence I will say it’s more likely that she has significant funding from the fracking industry and is under the thumb of rich executives. The difference is that they likely understand that supporting fracking could cost them the election, but they know that by not supporting it they lose a huge source of funding. They have weighed the costs, benefits and risks, and decided it a risk for taking.
A good solution is to get corporate money out of politics. There are narrow ways to achieve that, but a broad solution that fixes a lot of problems is to end corporate personhood. This organization has made steady progress toward that and I think is worth supporting. Considered signing up for their email list.
Another solution is more wisely voting. People don’t vote in primary elections, but they’re more important than the general elections. They determine what the field of candidates looks like. Vote in primary elections. You don’t necessarily want to vote in primary of the party you most align with though. An obvious example where you’d vote in a different party is if you live in a gerrymandered district. There’s a near 100% chance the gerrymandered party candidate will win. It doesn’t matter who the other candidated are. Vote for the least bad candidate in the other party. You won’t get everything you want, but you’ll get more than you would otherwise. It will also force the party to change.
That’s not the only time you’d vote in a party you dont align best with. Maybe you’re relatively happy with all of the candidates in a party, so why split hairs if you’d be ok with any of them? There are so many considerations that the only advice is to keep an open mind about party membership, evaluate where you make the most impact (not what looks the most like you) and **vote in every damn election, primaries included. **
- Comment on What fresh fuckery is this? 6 months ago:
You might need to update. Occasionally Google changes how YouTube works which requires NewPipe to change. You can get the latest version faster by adding the newpipe repository to fdroid.…/install-add-fdroid-repo/
- Comment on What fresh fuckery is this? 6 months ago:
On my phone this can be set by going to settings, default apps, opening links, wait unusually long for the most to load, scroll to NewPipe, choose the links you want it to handle.
- Comment on What fresh fuckery is this? 6 months ago:
Whenever I have issues with YouTube refusing to do things it used to do, I stop using it for a while and eventually they put it back. If you’re not willing to do that, I find that the NewPipe app is better than the native YouTube app. But be warned that occasionally Google makes changes that break New Pipe and you need to wait a couple days for the devs to catch up to the change.
- Comment on What other animals "make music" together? (Specifically harmony or rhythmic coordination) 6 months ago:
I don’t know that it’s technically harmonization, but sometimes when wolves howl at the same time, they will each choose a different pitch. Presumably it’s so the group sounds like it has as many individuals as possible.
- Comment on answer = sum(n) / len(n) 7 months ago:
“such as neatly interpretable parameters”
Hahaha, hahahahahaha.
- Comment on answer = sum(n) / len(n) 7 months ago:
- Comment on I'm Heading to Phoenix Can Anyone Recommend Anything Cool To Check Out While I'm There? 11 months ago:
I visited for a few days once. If you like the outdoors, the parks in the surrounding area are nice. Camelback in the city is packed and not particularly fun.
Overall, I found that Phoenix was not at all a place I’d like to spend time. You might try Sedona just a little north of Phoenix. I haven’t been there, but I hear it’s not Phoenix.
- Comment on The biggest hand calculation in a century! [π Day 2024] 11 months ago:
Although there are measurement techniques that do appropriate pi, that’s done mostly because it’s interesting. Typically one calculate pi. The calculation cant ever be completed but the more you don’t the better your approximation.π
That sort of stuff is done a lot. However, you don’t need all that many digits before adding more digits doesn’t meaningfully affect calculations.…/how-many-decimals-of-pi-do-we-real…
- Comment on This is way too expensive for a drink. 1 year ago:
I don’t understand this comment. Brisk is Lipton.
- Comment on I got this popup ad on my TV **while watching a DVD** 1 year ago:
You like this episode of Futurama. Would you also like to watch this episode of Futurama?
- Comment on This page in my kid’s book from school to learn how to read. 1 year ago:
All airplanes are jetliners.
- Comment on Starbucks told to reopen stores Labor board finds were closed over union organizing 1 year ago:
How does this work with franchises? Are these ones operated directly by Starbucks?
- Comment on OK Microsoft... trying to log into Teams while work lapop updates to Windows 11. No longer works in any iPhone browser, including Edge. The app will not authenticate my work login... 1 year ago:
How much did your friend pay for Debian?
- Comment on Windows Updated and is Pushing More Stuff 1 year ago:
I have used both Windows and Linux extensively, and although Linux used to be a serious amount of nonsense to get stuff to work, it’s not like that any more. I spend similar amounts of time troubleshooting shooting on each. Help for Linux sometimes is better. If you end up on the Microsoft answers forum, good luck to you, because it means the real answer is buried somewhere on the Internet, if it’s there at all.
- Comment on Ordered 20+ groceries from Amazon on Prime Day. Today my order arrived with each item packaged separately. 1 year ago:
“It too is not all that much better than Walmart, Amazon, etc, but at least you keep anyone from dominating.”
- Comment on Ordered 20+ groceries from Amazon on Prime Day. Today my order arrived with each item packaged separately. 1 year ago:
People here are saying they want to pay Amazon’s competators, and your argument is that they shouldn’t do that because the workers should be starting their own Amazon competators…
- Comment on Ordered 20+ groceries from Amazon on Prime Day. Today my order arrived with each item packaged separately. 1 year ago:
eBay is ok for a good portion of what Amazon sells, but it’s not a perfect replacement. It’s not all auctions now. There are lots of things you purchase outright and they ship very quickly. Watch out for people who resell Amazon items at a mark up though. It too is not all that much better than Walmart, Amazon, etc, but at least you keep anyone from dominating.
Otherwise, sometimesnthere are small sellers you can find for niche products.