- Comment on What's easier to shoot, a bow or a firearm? 1 day ago:
Having been new on both weapons and also having trained people that were brand new on both weapons, I will say that most beginners cannot hit something that far away with anything. What I meant by “intuitive” is that if you miss with a bow, you can see exactly where the arrow went and if it’s too low you can be like “I need to shoot a little higher”. Sometimes it is harder when you’re firing ammunition because they tend to disappear.
Loading either weapon isn’t necessarily complicated, but it is more intuitive on a bow. For revolver you will need to pull the release, rotate the assembly out, remove old rounds, insert new rounds and reverse disassembly. For a bow, you just put an arrow in and pull it back because the previous arrow is already gone. For some firearms, loading correctly can be fairly tricky if you don’t know what you’re doing. For example, if you load an M16 and don’t remember to shake the rounds to the back of the magazine, it can jam the weapon.
- Comment on What's easier to shoot, a bow or a firearm? 1 day ago:
Bows are simpler logistically. Nock an arrow, pull, aim, release (“fire”). Guns have more steps up front typically but also make the round-to-round process simpler.
Both have sights that are comparable in complexity.
Form is similarly important for both.
Skill curve is similar for both at the higher end. I think bows are a little more intuitive for beginner through novice (subjective of course).
Size can vary wildly for both.
Bows need more physicality typically, so they’re a little harder in that way.
Feel free to follow with questions if you like. I have some hobby experience with bows and have trained professionally (military) with firearms.
- Comment on 1 week ago:
Linux seems catered for the most basic users (grandma) and extremely advanced users (Linux enthusiasts, programmers). I’m in the middle where I’m pretty good on a computer but not that into the tweaking and tuning. I don’t think my demographic is catered to very well.
There’s a LOT of super cool stuff on Linux but a lot of it is buried on GitHub and needs configuration to work right. 1, I don’t have time to find that stuff and 2, I don’t care enough usually to make it work even though I typically could with sufficient effort.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Maybe inspired by, but definitely not.
- Comment on Have a drink soldier 2 months ago:
- Comment on What is your pet peeve in 2024? 3 months ago:
As a psychology nerd:
the lack of understanding and empathy for others (even when their opinions are different or “wrong”
The lack of understanding of how behavior is driven and encouraged to change.
The comfort level with looking at something very complex and assuming you know it deeply in moments (referring to short form video “teaching” psychology and mental health stuff)
The overall disconnect between the physical medicine community and the psychological/mental health communities (i.e. mental health is a huge driver in cancer, autoimmune, and other diseases)
I could go on. Learning more is my passion but damn it’s so depressing when I begin to understand something and see the abounding ignorance on it
- Comment on user Is this true? 3 months ago:
I’m guessing this is not a required demographic question in Canada.
- Comment on We took on Google and forced them to pay out £2bn - BBC News 3 months ago:
Oh, good to know. I appreciate the info!
- Comment on We took on Google and forced them to pay out £2bn - BBC News 3 months ago:
What’s AMP and why is it undesirable?
- Comment on Y=-x² 4 months ago:
You sure? I usually have a good eye for that stuff and I don’t see it.
- Comment on Y=-x² 4 months ago:
Most of us got it lol
- Comment on solved 5 months ago:
Watch it for the plot.
- Comment on What's going on at Mozilla these days? 5 months ago:
An actual answer:…/mozilla-exits-the-fediverse-and-…
- Comment on How is "son of a gun" an insult? 5 months ago:
They use it similar to “rascal”
- Comment on Think my radiator temperature thing is broken.. any ideas? 5 months ago:
I find your response baffling. I think it was completely out-of-pocket but I’m going to extend a one-time olive branch in good faith that there was some sort of misunderstanding.
I am open to a proper explanation as to how specifically it was hurtful or disrespectful. And if it was and I’m missing a social cue here, I would love to know how that equates to such an aggressive response. My absolute best guess is, that you read it as “you can’t be good at anything”, but I said “you can’t be good at everything”, which literally implies that you are good at other things.
I actually was a certified HVAC tech for a few years. I have seen people get seriously hurt not knowing when their system had steam in it or from not being able to control when the boiler kicks on (mostly renters) and steam starts shooting out of the hole mid-repair. I don’t have any way to assess your skills over the internet so I suggested the safe option. Similar logic to, if you don’t know if someone can work on cars, maybe don’t tell them to do their own brakes.
- Comment on Think my radiator temperature thing is broken.. any ideas? 5 months ago:
I truly mean no disrespect; no one can be good at everything. But if this is the vocabulary you use to describe the object and the problem, it’s probably best to call a pro.
- Comment on My personal ranking of every one of the FlatOut games 5 months ago:
Cool write up!
I recommend you play TRAIL OUT, which is a spiritual successor to the best FLATOUT games. I like it a lot and would love to hear your thoughts!
- Comment on lolirl 5 months ago:
I’m here for that type of family memory.
- Comment on I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do? 5 months ago:
How likely is it that the people you were tight with were neurodivergent as well? Looking back, I had a huge friend group of probably 25-30 in high school (though I was only close with like 2 of them, and cordial/friendly with the rest) and this left me “off the scent” of discovering my Autism until my 30s. Looking back, I would be surprised if a single person in t hat group wasn’t Autistic or ADHD at least, if not several other things too. We were just lucky enough that we all found each other and didn’t judge. We considered each other “The Island Of Misfit Toys” or the “weird” kids, which I believe tracks well.
I also found myself to be very polarizing. Either I was super friendly with people or I was literally openly mocked with little in between.
I also had an isolating phase when I joined the military. I had maybe one to two friends at the best times, and none through most of the rest of the time.
Later in life (late 20s), I “perfected” my mask and got back on the social side of life but I wasn’t happy. Only recently have I learned what Autistic masking is and how to stop doing it, and I’m fairly close with about 6 people now, which is the most real friends I have ever had.
- Comment on I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do? 5 months ago:
Might be time to do a little research my friend.
The extremely oversimplified and short version of it is, a trauma mask is something that kicks in automatically to protect you. Autistic masking is a form of trauma masking and it is fully automatic and usually not known to the person that they are doing it. We learn the skills to get through most normal social situations, but beyond that there is little development. So we do all the neurotypical things to blend in and it works until people realize that it’s fake, and then they feel like they’ve been deceived and they don’t like us.
The fix for this is, as you go on a journey of self-discovery and learn how to stop masking you will present yourself as your authentic self, and attract the right kind of friends. It is a difficult journey, and especially because almost always we don’t realize that we’re doing it at all. I don’t know if you believe that your neurodivergent or autistic, but I also believe that there are other neurotypes that are able to trauma mask similarly to autistic masking. You may find good company in an autistic community because they will understand how that works. There’s also something oddly comforting knowing that you’re in a group of “weird” people and it will help you get your real self out.
- Comment on I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do? 5 months ago:
If you’re autistic, there’s a good chance that autistic masking is the root cause here. If you have social anxiety especially, your mask will kick in automatically (subconsciously) and come off as fake to most people, and they will not like you for it. A quick test for this is, are you good at making a good first impression or short time of friendship and then it kinda falls off with time? If yes, masking is likely in play. I highly recommend the book Unmasking Autism even if you’re not autistic. It applies to others as well and it is excellent.
The short term (maybe long term…?) solution is to make autistic friends. They’ll understand “the weird” and it should be much simpler. Try searching around your local area for autism or neurodivergent clubs and see how you feel around other similarly-minded people.
- Comment on I once did a toke at a party and then I died true story 6 months ago:
The fun bus has no brakes.
- Comment on I once did a toke at a party and then I died true story 6 months ago:
🎵 And I should have died 6000 more 🎶
- Comment on What's your favourite and/or least favourite gaming hardware? 6 months ago:
Yeah basically a kneecaped PC with horrible data policy. Example, if you have a game with a 3rd party save/account like a lot of games do, Sony owns it and you can not migrate it to other platforms. I bought my nephew a gaming PC and he lost about 2000hrs of progress in Apex because Sony owns his account.
I’m not even a snob against consoles, just Sony sucks balls these days. I’d go with an Xbox but by then you’re basically buying a PC… Although you can prob get a cheaper price on an Xbox especially if you’re not building your own machine.
- Comment on It will outlive us all 6 months ago:
Higher than that, I have a keyboard with 8000hz polling and a mouse with 4000hz polling. Anything over maybe 2k at most is hard to perceive, at least for me
- Comment on What would cause a person to speak in different accents randomly? 7 months ago:
My first thought as well. I this autistic masking would be more suitable here but technically both could work.
That said, there’s a lot of great ideas in this thread.
- Comment on Choices and consequences gameplay 7 months ago:
Same dev
- Comment on (Possibly stupid) T440 Thinkpad upgrade idea? 7 months ago:
Yeah I wouldn’t worry about having a non-p. I’d bet the extra battery life would be worth the slight hit to performance.
And yeah, Thinkpads are tanks, and I appreciates that about them.
- Comment on (Possibly stupid) T440 Thinkpad upgrade idea? 7 months ago:
Sure thing! So Lenovo has the PSREF library which is awesome about old hardware specs, so you can always look up what you could have got in your machine back when they were new.
Here’s a link to the .PDF for your T440.
One of the reasons I like Thinkpads so much is the support of the community with mods, parts and so on. Feel free to hmu if you need Thinkpad help lol.
- Comment on (Possibly stupid) T440 Thinkpad upgrade idea? 7 months ago:
So I don’t have a direct answer about vanilla/s/p board compatibility but my question for you is, why not just get a T440 board? They can be had on eBay for $80-100 USD and will drop in. You can get up to an i7-4600U, which is more than fine for daily computing with an SSD and at least 16GB of DDR3-1600.